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Smoke Dawg

Quintessential Chatty Farker

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Jun 22, 2013
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I posted the Turkey Smoke the other day but was busy and not able to post the Jerky part until today I took a few pictures of the Smoke House tonight also

Here is the Turkey Smoke and you will see a few of the same pictures in this thread

I did not do a good job of documenting but here is what I got.
I cut the meat into strips shooting for about 1/8” but thinner than 3/16”
I soak in a basic brine of tender quick, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, and brown sugar. The recipe I have calls for liquid smoke also but I usually leave it out because it will get enough of the real deal smoke. Soak overnight, rinse lightly and then soak in a marinade of teriyaki sauce, brown sugar, garlic powder, onion powder, and any peppers that you might want. I left out the peppers and will shake a coat of course Black Pepper on as I hang it. I have usually used Yoshidas but this time I used a product called Very Teriyaki that I got at Cash -n- Carry. It has sesame seeds in it.
The firsts picture I have is the marinade with the meat going in

View attachment 151654

I soaked it in marinade a few hours while bagging up the turkeys and hanging them. Drain off the liquid and start stringing up the jerky.

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I got this heavy-duty string from my buddy that said it was commercial grade thread. It’s strong.

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Hang it in the smoke house

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Get a fire going

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Check after about 90 minutes running about 150° - 175°

First check .jpg

Here it is about 4 hours bumped up the temp to the 180° - 220°

Jerky Almost done .jpg

Now it is done a little over 5 hours running 225° +

Jerky Done .jpg

I was busy and did not get any pictures of the strings cut down but here is some on a plate from tonight

Done .jpg

And a little closer. Not sure I will use the Teriyaki sauce with sesame seeds again but I do like adding a little sesame oil.

Close up .jpg

Here is a little more details of the smoke house that a few have asked about.
The short door on the bottom is great to check and add wood without losing heat

Smokehouse .jpg

This is the side rails that I rest pipes or wood dowels to hang meat from or to hold racks
The nails are to hang strings of jerky. I tie a loop on one end toss it over the 2 x 2 and on the nail. The other end I do the same and tie it off.

Jerky nails .jpg

The bottom couple feet is lined with fire brick and then about a foot of sheet metal lined above that

Brick .jpg

The door is just metal lined

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The “fire box” is a SS pipe cut out in the front and notches at the back and around the top to let smoke / heat out. The top is ¼” ss plate

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Here it is with the lid off

View attachment 151669

I just used house heat duct registers for the intake and exhaust so it is adjustable. I run the exhaust full open but can close it up when not in use to keep critters out.

View attachment 151670

It is old school and I like it.

Sorry for the long post
Thanks for Lookin

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Weedeater line works good for hanging jerky, cut the end at an angle and it threads through the meat easily.


Do you use it more than once?

I did not post that I have ss needles I made from TIG rod sharpened on one end and pounded flat on the other end with a hole drilled to thread the jerky on.

Looks great! Like the smokehouse

Thanks Tat

Very nice, thanks for sharing your setup.

Thanks Kevin, I hope more smoke houses are built!

Awesome post. I may have to check it out next time I’m rolling down I-5 :clap2:

Thank you.

I am off exit 101 near Black lake

Awesome smokehouse, I love it.

Great Job on the jerky as well, nice timeline pics.

I am honored that you like it. I consider you an expert in all things brined, cured, and aged.
Love your smoke house. And your jerky (guys, I've had his stuff, its the real deal) Thanks for the detail shots of the smoke house! So cool
Huge fan of your smoke house and definitely want to build one at some point. Appreciate you sharing the details!