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Found some matches.
Sep 29, 2011
Kensington MD
I had noticed some time ago that my xl firebox had cracked. not a big deal... I had just wedged it back into place with some fragments of broken fire bricks. While re-aligning it yesterday I thought that it could use a proper cleaning and in the process had noticed that the base had several meandering cracks straight through from the inside to the outside. I've called the AD that I purchased it from 4 years ago and am going to remain hopeful in the "lifetime warranty" provided by BGE. I will update as this progresses. This egg has never been abused or traveled, is used several times a week, has seen weekly 600+ degree pizza cooks... Against all of my better judgment, I'll remain optimistic that someday replacement parts will arrive. Just thought that I'd share. Pics attached




yikes...this is why im afraid of the im super clumsy and would knock it over LOL...hope it turns out well for u tho
Ouch!!! I am in the process of purchasing a ceramic pit... Plz do keep us posted, I would like to know if the manufacturer will make good on it
BGE claims that they have a lifetime replacement warranty on the major ceramics, base, lid, fire bowl, and fire ring. Sent the request over to AD yesterday. Still waiting to hear back from them. This egg has seen a lot of use. Am I surprised? No, not about the fire bowl. YES, big time to the base cracking! We'll see...
I have seen folks patch up the firebox with JB Weld with good success. I dont think I would fix the base this way. It is my understanding that BGE will replace without issue for you. The only bump in the road is they usually ship the replacements with your dealers next order or you can pay the freight. You just need to hope your dealer has an order in the works.
I've never seen a UDS crack. Just say'n

Ok- that was a sleep deprived attempt at humor until BGE makes it right!! Best of luck.
My BGE has some cracks and my firebox is in three different pieces. Hasn't ever been an issue. Got mine used so no warranty. If they don't warranty you can fix any small cracks with fireplace mortar. Your hairline cracks look similar to mine. Never had a prob with them getting out of hand and my egg is pretty old. Has all the old style hardware.
Completely my opinion: I think the cracks in the firebox are what cause the cracks in the base. Once the firebox cracks all the way through it provides a direct path to the base of the egg. If my firebox was cracked, I think I would attempt to patch it together so it can then provide a good layer of insulation to the egg base. Just my thought. I havent put that theory to any test.
I've never seen a UDS crack. Just say'n

Ok- that was a sleep deprived attempt at humor until BGE makes it right!! Best of luck.

I've never seen an UDS owner that didn't think they were too cool for school for all other cookers......Just say'n. :crazy:
Completely my opinion: I think the cracks in the firebox are what cause the cracks in the base. Once the firebox cracks all the way through it provides a direct path to the base of the egg. If my firebox was cracked, I think I would attempt to patch it together so it can then provide a good layer of insulation to the egg base. Just my thought. I havent put that theory to any test.

The fire box on the xl has a permanent open seam to allow for expansion and contraction and an open bottom. once i noticed the crack and watched it evolve I had blocked the backside of the box with pieces of firebrick to keep it in place/shape. The cracks in the base are in the bottom and running up the opposite side off the egg base from the crack in the fire bowl. Who knows... 4 years of hearty hi-temp cooking and low temp smoking. We shall see how BGE responds!
One thing about the UdS is the over all cost to replace if something happens to it. (Stolen, run over, rusts through, or change favorite sports team ) It is a great economical smoker, but alas, it is not the only way to cook Q. ( check out Cowgirl's rim cooker, cinder block walls with a grate and a piece of tin or plywood for a cover, or something as simple as a chimney with a grate over it to cook a steak) There are all kinds of ways to cook outside, and hundreds of ways to smoke meat.

Saying all that to point out that there is no one "Best" cooker. It just takes some heat source and a way to contain that to surround the meat to turn out some great Q and other food outdoors.

Hope all turns out well for your EGG!

Have a Blessed day!

I had no issues when dealing with the BGE customer service. They asked for a photo of the damage and replaced the parts right away. Good luck and I hope your issue gets solved as quickly as mine did.