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Years ago my "white trash" neighbor Jethro's little girl came up to him and asked if the Springer spaniel was a "bitch". He said she sure is a bitch, and your mom and you are bitches too.....
He bought the lowest end Sportster available, and every time a real Hardly came by he'd holler out "I gots me a Harley too"!
I would definitely NOT call my mom ma'am, lol. I think i would be more afraid of the consequences then calling my wife ma'am, lol.

Oddly enough, Calling someone that is older then you Sir is a sign of respect, unless they are younger then you, then its a sign of disrespect, and the usual response is my father is Sir.

Just goes to show how culturally diverse the US is.

Funny you mention stranger, because its ok for a woman to call another woman of any age ma'am, but if a man does it, young women get offended.

That’s interesting. I’m curious as to what some women find offensive about it.

I assure you, that was not and has not ever been the intent. I’m not even sure is what context it would be offensive.

From Wiktionary:

In American English, the full form madam is limited as a form of address to certain highly formal environments, while ma'am is the usual term. Ma'am is not often used in the other sense of madam, but is used as a polite form of address toward (for example, but not strictly limited to):
a female stranger presumed old enough to have children, particularly if older than the speaker,
a female customer one is serving,
one's mother,
a female teacher or school official in a school which emphasizes formality, or
a female superior in the military.
a form of respect for a woman regardless of age or position
In the Southern (southeastern) and Southwestern US, ma'am is used to address any female, regardless of her age or position

That doesn't fly with progressive women in the east coast. You better hope that woman is well over the hill to call her ma'am. And never under any circumstance call your wife ma'am no matter how old she is. Of course this all depends if you are actively trying to get her to send you divorce papers.:mrgreen:

Isn't the North East the predominant range of the female "Karen"? Where demonstrating the audacity to make eye contact or, gasp, speak to, is met with eye rolling disgust?