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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
Wife: I'm taking a friend out for lunch would you like me to bring you some take out:
Me: No ma'am, I'll figure out something
Wife: are you sure?
Me: I'll be fine, thank you though.

Me being fine, dine alone-fine. 32 ounce cowboy club ribeye or sometimes.called a Tomahawk. On the bone ribeye.
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My wife would have probably made sure I had something to eat, but I can assure not a cowboy steak without her.
My wife would have probably made sure I had something to eat, but I can assure not a cowboy steak without her.

If i didn't know how to cook, my wife would have told me to go halfsies with the dog's meal if i referred to her as ma'am. :mrgreen:
It’s a southern thing, a sign of respect.
Yes ma’am and no ma’am was beaten into us as youth.
Any lady over the age of 21 gets the same.

Men get Sir, ladies get ma’am. Has worked well for 59 odd years now

That doesn't fly with progressive women in the east coast. You better hope that woman is well over the hill to call her ma'am. And never under any circumstance call your wife ma'am no matter how old she is. Of course this all depends if you are actively trying to get her to send you divorce papers.:mrgreen:
That doesn't fly with progressive women in the east coast. You better hope that woman is well over the hill to call her ma'am. And never under any circumstance call your wife ma'am no matter how old she is. Of course this all depends if you are actively trying to get her to send you divorce papers.:mrgreen:

They better steer far away from the southern part of the east coast then. Lol

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That doesn't fly with progressive women in the east coast. You better hope that woman is well over the hill to call her ma'am. And never under any circumstance call your wife ma'am no matter how old she is. Of course this all depends if you are actively trying to get her to send you divorce papers.:mrgreen:

Wife, mother, daughter, strangers, all of them are Ma’am.
Whether they like it or not. It’s instinct at this point.
Wife, mother, daughter, strangers, all of them are Ma’am.
Whether they like it or not. It’s instinct at this point.

I would definitely NOT call my mom ma'am, lol. I think i would be more afraid of the consequences then calling my wife ma'am, lol.

Oddly enough, Calling someone that is older then you Sir is a sign of respect, unless they are younger then you, then its a sign of disrespect, and the usual response is my father is Sir.

Just goes to show how culturally diverse the US is.

Funny you mention stranger, because its ok for a woman to call another woman of any age ma'am, but if a man does it, young women get offended.