• xenforo has sucessfully updated our forum software last night. Howevr, that has returned many templates to stock formats which MAY be missing some previous functionality. It has also fixed some boroken templates Ive taken offline. Reat assured, we are working on getting our templates back to normal, but will take a few days. Im working top down, so best bet is to stick with the default templates as I work thru them.

The Brisket Chronicles - Part III

I sent my brisket link to my brother who forwarded it on to a friend who made the "best brisket" he ever tasted. I heard from the guy and found out he only does the point. I thought hmmmm.... not quite as impressive as you'd think. :rolleyes:
Photography is my passion, truth my obsession.

No pictures didn't happen lol
These are some great threads you guys have put together, I am book marking each one of these.
Well, I can't say I haven't braised a brisket, but I can say I've never cooked one on a smoker so all the information here is VERY valuable to me and I will be referencing when I do my first. Thanks Bigmista and everyone else in this thread!
I separate because some of my customers ask for only lean brisket and others ask for the fat-end (some call it the booty end). Also in competitions, I cook the whole brisket but I only turn in slices from the flat because it looks better.

I never quite object to spearating fopr this reason... just the use of the premium "Booty Meat" for burnt ends. Of course, this is fine at home. And frankly I am the type of guy that complains about you doing it but growls at you if you try to take your burnt ends back. LOL MMMMMM

Hey, Neil, after all, you got to separate it because how can you attack a Booty [sic] of you don't attack from the back?
I never quite object to spearating fopr this reason... just the use of the premium "Booty Meat" for burnt ends. Of course, this is fine at home. And frankly I am the type of guy that complains about you doing it but growls at you if you try to take your burnt ends back. LOL MMMMMM

Hey, Neil, after all, you got to separate it because how can you attack a Booty [sic] of you don't attack from the back?

To the rear! March!

Here's a toast to the Booty!