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Oct 5, 2008
Hiding out from blood suck ghost snake gods, Nazis
Name or Nickame
Gore (surprise!)
I've been traveling down to NC just about every other week and usually sample abundant amounts of BBQ while there and to and fro. I have a particular sensitivity to sour, which is unfortunate as NC BBQ is vinegar-based. Oh, I still eat it and sample it and appreciate it, don't get me wrong, but it does make me cough and wince (as does even ketchup and spaghetti sauce if it hasn't been tamed). I do favor sweeter Qs. One place that has been a mainstay for me is the Original Q Shack on University in Durham (this is not to be confused with the Q-shack chain that has different owners). They serve Texas-style Q and their brisket and ribs are normally very good. For me one of the best parts is that on Wednesday nights between 6:30 and 8:30, they have live bluegrass music. A local band with Tommy Edwards (who hosts Bluegrass Saturday Night) has been playing there weekly for the past 6 years. It's a very nice family atmosphere. We cram into the tables and talk with strangers, listen to the music and usually some young kids get up and dance. It's a great way to spend the evening.


A few months ago I met someone who traveled 90 miles just to hear them play. He had one of their autographed albums from the 70s and was a regular listener of the radio show. There's no cover, just a good time.

I hope this doesn't offend the sensibilities of some of the NC locals who don't consider this to be BBQ. Just think of it as Texas food and enjoy the good time. I won't be there for a couple months, but beginning late August, I'll be there about every other Wednesday.
I'll be up that way in a couple of weeks, I'll have to stop by and try it!

The brisket and ribs normally are very good. Servings are large. The point is consistent and very good. The flat is good and can stray at times into excellent. I usually get the flat, hoping for the excellent, but will sometimes get the two or three meat platter. A few weeks ago it was excellent 4 nights in a row (so good, I kept going back). Last week it was just good 4 nights in a row (I kept going back hoping for excellent). Hushpuppies are great. I strongly recommend the creamed spinach if you at all like that sort of thing and the green beans also are good. The band plays takes a break from about 7:30-7:45.