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That is really nice What do you do when you feel full of energy I used a smoker one time in my birkenstocks A hot coal fell between my toes That sandle came off sooooo fast Did not know I could move that quickly And whats wrong with pink I have almost the same pants on- just one white stripe
Liar he sports those all over town:razz: a few more pits Smitty and you just might get a full bead:wink::clap:

Flux Core and 20 gauge - not happening. I almost laid a few beads on the trailer........ :loco:

my whole welding training was at work -
Boss: "here, weld this new bolt to the stripped out one to have something to get ahold of......." (Cheap flux core welder)
Me: "I don't know how to weld....."
Boss " you better have those bolts out by lunch...." :twitch:
Don't think I've ever seen a smoker quite like that one. I'm intrigued. Loving watching the process! :thumb:
Fricken Rain Delay.........I don't have a workshop and my garage has 2 paths carved thru the clutter so I do my sloppy fab work and fake welding in the driveway............

this made me laugh out loud. perfect description of my garage.
Your "custom" feature comment cracked me up!

I've heard that'll help the draw:biggrin1: