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Supposedly we can't keep our trailers and/or vehicles on site? We have to unload and pull them out at 7 at night then start prepping? Guess I'm sleeping outside.
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Supposedly we can't keep our trailers and/or vehicles on site? We have to unload and pull them out at 7 at night then start prepping? Guess I'm sleeping outside.

I'm sorry Clint, I didn't read that information in the article you had written about yourself. I'm happy you posted for all to know :puke:
Doesnt look like I can get down there in time for the chili contest. I'm all signed up for it, anyone want to cook it for me? Schedule I received in email

8am-9am Chili load-in
10am cooks meeting
1pm Salsa turn-in
2pm Chili Verde turn-in
3pm Traditional Chili turn-in

2 pm Chicken turn-in
2:30 Pork Ribs turn-in
3:00 Pork butt turn-in
3:30 Brisket turn-in

The Chili contest is an ICS event so I think you need an ICS member number to compete in salsa, verde and traditional red. A lot of these they let you sign up to become a member at the event but I don't know how this one is being run. If there are 20 or more cooks the winners also advance to the world championship this year in Charleston WV. I don't think the ICS would look kindly on someone cooking under a different person's member number, so if someone were to cook in your place they would need to replace the member number that was signed up with their own.
Supposedly we can't keep our trailers and/or vehicles on site? We have to unload and pull them out at 7 at night then start prepping? Guess I'm sleeping outside.

I think that would give teams that have their smokers mounted onto a trailer an unfair advantage.
Plus teams that have large trailers with dedicated prep areas in the trailer, but cookers outside would really be hurt.
I heard spaces are 10x10 and no vehicles/trailers are allowed unless your cookers are mounted but this is unconfirmed. Waiting on a call.
I'm competing with Guido/BBQ Mafia, and his Lang is longer than 10', its about 17'!! We were told 20x20 and even paid extra for 20x30 because they promised us we could use the extra space to park our cars next to our site - I have an email confirming this request. Now they are saying no cars/trailers which if it is a grass field and its raining, we can understand to some degree, but....

10x10 seems rather small.

Late check in, potential rain disaster and cooking more food with the people's choice portion right after KCBS turn ins as well - should be an interesting weekend to say the least.
ah ok - I thought 10x10 was the KCBS event.

Any confirmation on check in time? I heard 7pm but they may offer a side area to get meat inspected early so you can start preperations?
Liz emailed me yesterday after I asked a bunch of questions. Here is her response

1. We will have construction lighting towers on site for cooking. If you need electricity for something else, I think Orly would like the teams to bring quiet generators if you have one. You should speak to her more about that. I can refund your electricity payment if you tell me before Friday.
2. I am not doing the site mapping, so I can't say where your specific spot will be, but the ground here varies from grass to concrete.
3. Water is close by in two locations as described in the info packet. One location has hot and cold potable water, the other has non-potable water for rinsing. You should bring jugs, no hose.
4. Haha, I will be sure to ask your wife about your level of confusion... No worries, I completely understand. It is confusing! Heres what i know: The meat inspection will take place at the waiting area, and teams will be instructed to leave that area in the order that we need them to load into the main site. So it would be best to arrive by 5-5:30. This way we can get everyone lined up properly, do the meat inspection, then send you to your competition spot. The reason for this is that we have a chili cookoff going on at the main site until 4pm, so we need time to clear up the site and prepare for BBQ to move in.

I think I have another question to answer... I'm going to that one next...

Haha, thanks for bearing with me!


also here is another email response

Hi Tim,

Sorry for the slow response, I was just using the responses to my previous message as a "head count" on who got my email. I just realized that you replied with questions.

If you need your trailer for cooking, then you can absolutely keep it at your spot. Sorry for the confusion. Orly Wiseman (the event co-chair) should be giving all teams a call to discuss this. If she hasn't spoken with you yet, I will have her call you. She is doing the site mapping, so she has been speaking to each team. I will try to answers the questions from your other email in one moment... Heading over to it right now!
Ah, 20x20 is much better. Eggzlot, the people's choice starts at 2pm, the same time as the first KCBS turn-in.