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Beef ribs simply do not get any better looking than these. One day I will give them a try. Awesome job!
I think this typifies why cooking to temp is a waste of time (and sometimes food). Sometimes it takes a good deal of experience, intuition and feel to nail a cook like this. This (in my opinion) is why probing, picking up and feeling the condition of the meat is a better indicator of what is happening inside there and will teach anyone to be a better pit master. I say Bravo!:clap:Bravo!
Man those look amazing! I ordered a rack of them from my local butcher that is generally the best beef I can find around here. They raise the beef themselves and they don't submit for grading, but I routinely get steaks that would hit prime level if they wanted them to.

I'm hoping that my rack of ribs looks similar to those when I pick them up on Friday. I've never done the beef ribs on the smoker, but I'm doing it for my tailgate this weekend.

Can. Not. Wait. I hope they turn out like this.

Question: Did you remove the membrane on the back of these similar to a rack of pork spares?
Fantastic pix and reportage, Bob. I have some of those coming to me from SRF in a week or 2 and they're getting cooked up for the SoCal Brethren Bash.

I think I need to grab a tent and slide on up to San Leandro...:hungry:
Wow, just wow. I need some on those.

You do, you really do

And I did not remove the membrane for this cook, as I knew I was serving the meat off the bone. For serving on the bone, you have to remove the membrane. Mostly for presentation, it just doesn't cook down very well.
Very nice job Bob. I somehow missed this SRF deal. Might have bought a couple plates to toss in the freezer. Next time I make some, I may steal your sliced plating idea. Agree, one full bone is more than I would usually eat, but if it's sitting there in front of me, I usually finish it off and then feel a little uncomfortable afterwards.

Shane, let us know if these plates are still available...

Hammb, some do, some don't. I do. I think it's thicker and easier to pull off than pork ribs.
Great looking cook right here! Love the sliced approach for serving, I'm definitely going to steal that (and we might use it on the site too).

Yup, they're still available at:

We're viewing these as a test product to see how they go. If people like them and we think we can keep selling them, we'll have to work out breaking them down into individual racks and selling them separately, so for now it's just the huge pack of 2.