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is one Smokin' Farker
Aug 30, 2010
Rockwall, TX
The Walmart in Terrell, TX has all their briskets on sale for $1.97/lb. I picked up 5 USDA Primes for $122.

They also had their spare ribs for $1.99/lb but I'm good on those.

Wife just got home from Kroger in Rockwall, TX and says they have their pork butts on sale for $1.99/lb.

I know a lot of places like Walmart will price match so hopefully this will help others not around here.
I paid $2.97 for a choice brisket at Walmart yesterday. I've never ever seen a prime brisket in So.Cal, I wish.
That's a pretty solid hike for me, but damn. Might have to think about a road trip tomorrow. I'll be in downtown Dallas, so not too bad from there at least.
If my local stores had Prime full packers for that price, my shopping cart would be full and I would be handing out early Christmas gifts to my troops at work.
I'd just like to see a full packer with my own two eyes once, it's a special order only here and you're gonna pay!
I'd just like to see a full packer with my own two eyes once, it's a special order only here and you're gonna pay!

If you ever travel by car, just take a cooler with you and stop by some of those mom and pop grocery stores you may find what you want/need.

Or you could just come to the east coat :biggrin1:
I swear that briskets don't exist in WalMarts east of the Mississippi and north of Tennessee. Only reliable place other than the butcher a few towns over (and you have to order ahead) is Costco around these parts.
I swear that briskets don't exist in WalMarts east of the Mississippi and north of Tennessee. Only reliable place other than the butcher a few towns over (and you have to order ahead) is Costco around these parts.

They carry them only in the stores with a meat department. I get them here in NJ at two different stores.
Yep, I was in the Wal-Mart in Elgin yesterday and saw the $1.97 per lb briskets. I didn't think I'd see prices like that again for a long time and they were pretty good lookin' specimens too!:wink: