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I made 5 lbs with 80/20 last weekend. I use a Bradley OBS with an Auber PID set for 130-170. Start at 130 to dry, then bump 10 degrees every hour while smoking. I usually go for 3 hours of smoke. Pull when they hit IT 152.
No cold water bath, I just let them bloom in the basement.
It works for me.

/\/\/\THIS! is what they should look like! Nice job dude.A++++
I do the same as oifmarine2003 except I do 50/50 deer and pork. I use pork butts. hang in the smoker, cook till internal temp is 165, then an ice bath as soon as it comes off the smoker. Been doing it that way for the last 8 years and everyone seems to like them. I happen to like LEMs hot stick kit.
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Thanks for all of the advice. I'm looking forward to getting results more like yours. Those pictures posted put mine to shame.