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Found some matches.
Jan 12, 2014
Saginaw, MI
I got a snack stick it from Cabela's and have been trying to smoke some sticks. This is my third batch and I'm not happy yet.

Here is what I did:
I bought 80/20 ground beef
I mixed the cold beef with the cure
Then mixed it with the seasoning
I have a Jerky Pistol and used it to fill the 21mm cologen casings
Then I refrigerated the sticks overnight
I smoked them at 100° for an hour on the racks
Then 125° for 5 hours
Then brought them up to 170° (maybe 4-5hrs)
Then let them cool to 100° before refrigerating

Basicly I tried to follow the directions on the package.

I ended up with fat pockets and air pockets and shriveled casings. Any advice?
I've not used a kit to make sticks so I'm not exactly sure what your recipe is.
Did you poke holes in the sticks (casings) before smoking? Also did you give the smoked sticks an ice bath after the smoke?

Maybe someone who has used the same recipe can chime in.
I got a snack stick it from Cabela's and have been trying to smoke some sticks. This is my third batch and I'm not happy yet.

Here is what I did:
I bought 80/20 ground beef
I mixed the cold beef with the cure
Then mixed it with the seasoning
I have a Jerky Pistol and used it to fill the 21mm cologen casings
Then I refrigerated the sticks overnight
I smoked them at 100° for an hour on the racks
Then 125° for 5 hours
Then brought them up to 170° (maybe 4-5hrs)
Then let them cool to 100° before refrigerating

Basicly I tried to follow the directions on the package.

I ended up with fat pockets and air pockets and shriveled casings. Any advice?

I used to use High Mountain Kits before I mixed my own...

The shriveled casings are normal as long as they adhere tightly to the meat. If it fits the snack sticks like baggy pants, then it is a cooling issue. The meat shrinks giving off humidity before the casings can shrink with the meat.

Use this when filling and air bubbles form (image is the link)

I also plunge in ice water for about a minute when removing from the smoker to cool down quickly and let them finish drying in the refrigerator.


They turned out like this. The fat collected in the white pockets. The casing is a big loose but mostly stuck to the meat.

What will the ice bath help with?
My wife picked up a pack of 80/20 beef by mistake and I made snack sticks with it. Came out very greasy and similiar to yours. I normally use ground round and never have that problem. Not sure if it was the meat or something else.
When I make snack sticks, I use very lean meat. Usually game meat, but if I use beef then I buy a roast, trim it and grind it myself. If you go to a butcher they will grind it for you a lot of times. I mix my cure and spices together, and then mix that in with the meat. Then put them in the dehydrator at 160 with a meat thermometer in one until the internal temp is about 155 or so. Then I pull them out and let them set at room temperature overnight. The next morning I peel the casings off, and cut to length, etc.

Now I just started with the smoker, and I put them in at 100 for an hour, and then bump it up to 130 for an hour, and then bump it up to 170 200 in increments to get smoke. until the internal temperature reaches 155. Then pull and do the same as above.

I ate the ones I had and the taste was ok but you could tell it was not lean meat that was used. I ate about have and trashed the rest.
I buy round when its on sale and freeze it. When on sale, its usual under $3/lb.
They turned out like this. The fat collected in the white pockets. The casing is a big loose but mostly stuck to the meat.

The sausage pricker will allow the liquid to exit the sticks.

I was wondering that. I didn't want to pony up the cash for a leaner beef. I may try it though.

You can try if you want, but I put a lot of pork fat fat into my venison snack sticks and I have no problems.

The smoking technique I use calls for an internal temperature of 150°..

Double check your recipe, and temperature. Also keep in mind that if you are using a cheap thermometer to read internal temperatures it can take as long as three minutes to get an accurate reading.

Below is the guide I follow,

Beef/snack stick - Dried Sausage Sticks

Beef sticks are made with very lean meats so that the moisture level in the final product is very dry. The meat formula should be 80% lean and 20% fat regardless of the type of meat used.

Suggested meats include:
Beef Chuck, Venison, or other game meat

1. Chill the meat to 30 - 34°F to prevent smearing when grinding.
2. Grind meat through a 1/8" plate.
3. Add sausage cure and Snack Stick Seasoning and mix for about 2 minutes.
4. Stuff the mixture into a small sausage casing.
5. Place into the smoker at 100°F and cool smoke for 7 to 8 hours depending on the temperature.
6. To finish cooking raise the smokehouse temperature to 160 - 180°F and cook until the measured temperature inside a piece of sausage is 145 - 150°F.
7. Remove from the smokehouse and place in a dry room at 50 - 55°F for 2 hours to cool and dry out. Then package.
If you are getting fat pockets you are smoking at too high of a temp. The fat is turning to a liquid and pooling in the low lying areas. What type of smoker are you using? There is nothing wrong with making snack sticks from 80/20 beef, maybe you would want to use leaner meats if you were making dried snack sticks.

I have tried many brands of seasonings and this year finally found one I am satisfied with. PM me for the brand as they are not a sponsor here but the cabelas seasoning doesn't even compare in taste.
If you are getting fat pockets you are smoking at too high of a temp. The fat is turning to a liquid and pooling in the low lying areas. What type of smoker are you using? There is nothing wrong with making snack sticks from 80/20 beef, maybe you would want to use leaner meats if you were making dried snack sticks.

I have tried many brands of seasonings and this year finally found one I am satisfied with. PM me for the brand as they are not a sponsor here but the cabelas seasoning doesn't even compare in taste.

You can say it here. Phil is cool as long as no one goes crazy.
The sausage pricker will allow the liquid to exit the sticks.

You can try if you want, but I put a lot of pork fat fat into my venison snack sticks and I have no problems.

The smoking technique I use calls for an internal temperature of 150°..

Double check your recipe, and temperature. Also keep in mind that if you are using a cheap thermometer to read internal temperatures it can take as long as three minutes to get an accurate reading.

Below is the guide I follow,

Beef/snack stick - Dried Sausage Sticks

Beef sticks are made with very lean meats so that the moisture level in the final product is very dry. The meat formula should be 80% lean and 20% fat regardless of the type of meat used.

Suggested meats include:
Beef Chuck, Venison, or other game meat

1. Chill the meat to 30 - 34°F to prevent smearing when grinding.
2. Grind meat through a 1/8" plate.
3. Add sausage cure and Snack Stick Seasoning and mix for about 2 minutes.
4. Stuff the mixture into a small sausage casing.
5. Place into the smoker at 100°F and cool smoke for 7 to 8 hours depending on the temperature.
6. To finish cooking raise the smokehouse temperature to 160 - 180°F and cook until the measured temperature inside a piece of sausage is 145 - 150°F.
7. Remove from the smokehouse and place in a dry room at 50 - 55°F for 2 hours to cool and dry out. Then package.

Any air pockets will pool fat or leave an ugly void.Mix and stuff immediately.We always thoroughly wet them down after stuffing before they're hung on the rod that goes in the smoker.If you do this the casing will be one with the meat after smoked.Be careful,after wetting they will be very delicate.Be sure of your thermometer temps on your smoker and the one you check the sticks with.Once they hit 150 they are done and remove from cooker.I would not go above 200- 250 on smoker temp.
Glad to hear 80/20 is good to go. The directions said to hit 170° internal temp. I'm using a Masterbuilt 30" Electric with the meat probe in it as well as a cheap taylor digital to double check.
Glad to hear 80/20 is good to go. The directions said to hit 170° internal temp. I'm using a Masterbuilt 30" Electric with the meat probe in it as well as a cheap taylor digital to double check.

The safe temp for beef is 152°. I have been told that the factory ground beef that has the has the mixture of "lean chopped beef product" and "chopped beef fat product" otherwise slanged as pink slime, will separate and be very oily/greasy when dried. This is just what I have been told, so do not know for sure. I would guess that the plastic round tubes of burger in the frozen section are usually from what I call factory ground beef, and the stuff in the meat department that is fresh is not. (Just a guess)

I do 100 degrees for an hour then 180 for 4-5 hours until IT of 165. I use a 3-1 deer to pork mixture and a LEM snack stick seasoning. Can you hang them in your smoker? Also, I like to add high temp cheese. I agree with IamMadMan that you should cool them down right after removal.
I'd like to hang them, but would need to figure out some rods. Is stainless nesesary?

150° sounds good. I used the tube of meat. I'll try the foam packs next time.


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Thanks for the tip NorthernMN!! I have tried many snack stick seasonings and still do not have a "go to". I just ordered some Cody's seasoning and can't wait for it to arrive!!
I made 5 lbs with 80/20 last weekend. I use a Bradley OBS with an Auber PID set for 130-170. Start at 130 to dry, then bump 10 degrees every hour while smoking. I usually go for 3 hours of smoke. Pull when they hit IT 152.
No cold water bath, I just let them bloom in the basement.
It works for me.