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Babbling Farker

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Feb 24, 2013
Port Charlotte, Florida
Had some friends and neighbors over last night for a super Moon party. Kicked things off with some watermelon Margarita's. Started with a little pork butt that I had left after cutting a Butt Mignon out of it for Pork Steak the other night. I injected it with hard apple cider and apple cider vinegar and dusted it with Plowboy's Yardbird rub, and so it wouldn't feel lonely on the cooker a made up a naked fatty to keep it company also dusted with the Yardbird.

When the IT reached 140 I pulled it and ran it inside and threw it in my crotch pot with 1/2 a can of coke and Cattleman's Gold BBQ sauce so I could make room for 3 racks of ribs. Stripped the membranes and dusted two with my own rib rub and one with the Yardbird

Spatchcocked a chicken and rubbed the old girl down

The pulled pork

Chicken on the table

Pineapple Baked beans ala fatty

Grilled romaine with evoo and Parmesan cheese

My Dukes famous red potato & egg salad


Come and get it!

And the guest of honor!

Thanks for lookin