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Put me down for peoples choice pork. Tell Spurgeon to give me a couple butts when I get there. I'll pay when we get in. Is Thursday evening OK, about 9:00?

What Jeff said..... How heavy is your trailer? I actually do the layout for the teams so I can make sure to have a place for you to get in. If you could make earlier for the dinner it is a blast. I will PM my cell number so you have both of our numbers.
Thanks! Well, if you give me a call on my cell, Stan or I one will come back down and show you where your space is. We do an annual dinner at El Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant here in town on Thursday evening and anyone here by then is welcome to join us! We don't have the funds to pay but it's always a good time. Maybe you can arrive by 6:30 or 7 and join us?

I'd LOVE to join you, but there is no way I'll make it in by 7:00. My trailer is 21'L (with the ramp door up) and 16' W with the awning open. It's tandem and weighs about 7500 when loaded. See you there!!
I don't have a team by that name signed up, Arlin! :p

Yea, yea... Nudge noted, I told Kim to actually put it in the mail. :becky:

Actually, Stan, I re-counted and there's 50. So 16 spaces left. And one of those is going to Rod Andson's fundraiser so if you won't be there in Iowa to bid on it on March 19, there's only 15 spaces left! And if you're signing up, PLEASE add the people's choice to your entry!!! It's for charity and we're behind from what we had last year with bigger crowds expected!!! Last year, we had about 18 pork and 20 wings entries. This year, we're about 12 pork and 13 wings!!! We make it really simple for you... no handing it out yourselves, blind judging (so locals don't have the advantage) and you can cook your pork (and wings for that matter) ahead of time and bring to re-heat. Thanks to Jeff Spurgeon (KC Can Crew) who sponsors people's choice, each team entering wings will get about 4 pounds of chicken wings to cook and each team entering pork will get a pork butt to cook! ALL of the $15 per category goes back to the people's choice prize pool! So if you've already signed up but didn't do the people's choice and now would like to participate, please let me know ASAP - you can pay when you get here! Thanks so much!

And I asked Kim to ADD Peoples Choice to the entry form and add a check for that too... So count us in for the PC also...
I'd LOVE to join you, but there is no way I'll make it in by 7:00. My trailer is 21'L (with the ramp door up) and 16' W with the awning open. It's tandem and weighs about 7500 when loaded. See you there!!

We'll miss you Jeff. Stith can buy me a shot of Patron for you! :becky:
We still need more teams to do the wings and pork peoples choice. This is one of our main fund raisers for our charity of choice which is United Way this year. If you have not signed up it is not too late! Let us know!
After recovery from the NKC contest, I wandered down to the computer with the stack of mail from yesterday and Friday to update the site and we are now FULL... we had to expand to 72 teams because I miscounted last week. But no more for 2011! We can always use more People's Choice entries as Stan mentioned above.

Any additional entries received will be added to a waiting list in case on cancellations.
After recovery from the NKC contest, I wandered down to the computer with the stack of mail from yesterday and Friday to update the site and we are now FULL... we had to expand to 72 teams because I miscounted last week. But no more for 2011! We can always use more People's Choice entries as Stan mentioned above.

Any additional entries received will be added to a waiting list in case on cancellations.

Mark us down, Jeff, for the wings and pork butts for Friday.

Rich and Bunny/KCass
OK so far, add-on people's choice entries to collect on at the comp are KCass (wings and pork), B&B (wings and pork), Funny Farm (pork) and E & D's BBQ wings and pork). Anyone else?
Okay, now that the contest is full, let's do a roll call.

Who of you Brethren are going to be at Big Creek?

Funny Farm BBQ will be there.
Want me to just post a list, Marc? LOL!:p

I could just get off my lazy arse and cross check the team list you have on your site (thank you BTW:thumb:), but I though I would give folks a bit of diversion from another contest thread and get jazzed about Smokin' On Big Creek.

Can't wait to get out to P-Hill again this year.
I hope to be there. The drive is a bit too long, so I can only come if I'm able to get out after turn-ins. I'm really looking forward to picking myself up and trying again. Can't wait! BTW, to whatever team is going to be parked next to me - PLEASE buy a quiet generator. I don't think I can take another comp without sleep. :laugh:
I know you're full up on CBJs but I just dropped an email to you in case something opens up. I'll definitely be there on Friday to check out the festivities regardless.