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Come on guys get those entries in! We are looking forward to another great year!

OK here's the deal... so far as of today, we have ten entries paid. We have room for up to 54 depending on the weather. If it's completely dry with no mud, we MIGHT look at taking this up to 60 teams. However, out of the ten paid entries so far, SEVEN of those are new teams to this contest who have never cooked it before. That means there is a chance that at least seven teams who have been here before could miss out if the weather isn't perfect. If you're holding off til later, keep in mind we could fill up in a flash and not be able to get you in.

Also remember... the prize purse listed on KCBS Web site is ONLY due to the fact they make us guarantee a prize purse 90 days prior to the event, regardless of how many teams are signed up. We only guaranteed for 25 teams. I'm sure we will get the same or more teams as last year so the purse will be the same or better.
Anyone got room for a couple of newbie pit-bitches? Jean and I are thinking of going up. We can schlepp wood, refill drinks... :)

Anyone got room for a couple of newbie pit-bitches? Jean and I are thinking of going up. We can schlepp wood, refill drinks... :)

You guys should definitely come, if no teams will put you to work you can hop on the golf carts with Vern and I, its a lot of fun! This is starting to sound like we are organizing a "Pleasant Hill Bash"
As of yesterday, we're at 20 teams. I'm really surprised with all the teams signing up who have not cooked our contest before. I know a lot of local teams are waiting until after Kookers Kare next weekend to see if they get a free entry (we gave them two entries). Just as a heads up, it'll probably fill up fast between February 20 and March 1 and it's $25 cheaper to sign up by March 1.
I'm going!! Flights are made! BBQ Brethren NT is representing!

Arlin!! Get your ass up there and i'll buy the beer!
Sounds like Stith has his hands full just with the help!!!!

I'm not gonna be watchin any of them, but I might add to the debauchery <insert evil laugh>
Camp. Check.
Free beer. Check.
Golf cart rides. Check.


Thanks, guys - I can't imagine us not being there! Can you recommend any place to stay?
The only place that is actually in P.H. is the Mullberry Hill Bed & Breakfast. I've stayed there the last two years and it's a great little set up that is run by a very nice couple. The phone #s are:
Thanks, Dave! Made easy reservations at the Mulberry Hill B&B. For anyone else, there were still several rooms left as of a few minutes ago.

All right, Phil - is this it then? Neither of us will back out? I get to touch the fuzzy blue hat finally? ;)

OK who wants a smoker for $20 or so? Our major sponsor this year is American Barbecue Systems (ABS). They have donated a $1500 ABS All Star model smoker with the upgraded 10 inch pneumatic wheels. You can see the smoker at We are raffling this smoker with tickets at $5 each or five for $20. You can either buy while here for the contest or if you won't be here, you can mail me the money and we'll do the tickets for you and get them in the drawing. The drawing will take place during the awards ceremony on April 3. Proceeds from the raffle will help cover expenses (and maybe increase prize purse if it does well enough) with the balance going to the March of Dimes. If interested, PM me and I'll reply with my address and what details you need for your raffle ticket contact info. Shipping to the winner (if not here at the contest) will be the responsibility of the winner.
I'm in for $30. When I win this thing, I hope some of you other farkers have some cash in your pockets for the auction. Proceeds split between Cancer Sucks, Kooker's Kare, and March of Dimes.
I'm in for $30. When I win this thing, I hope some of you other farkers have some cash in your pockets for the auction. Proceeds split between Cancer Sucks, Kooker's Kare, and March of Dimes.

What about the Plowkids College Fund?