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Babbling Farker
Dec 20, 2007
Ponte Vedra, Florida
Name or Nickame
Hey folks,

Long time lurker here, but I thought I'd throw a question out to the vast knowledge housed here at the brethren forum. So here goes:

I've been smoking for several years now starting off with a WSM, getting the bigger WSM, and then a Bubba Keg. I've enjoyed cooking on all of them. That said, I'm wanting to "graduate" to the next level of smoker, and there are a few things I'd really like to be able to accomplish when I do so.

1) I want to be able to cook a good bit of meat at one time. I'm thinking a couple butts, few racks of ribs, maybe a brisket etc.

2) I think I may want to compete one day so I'd like to get into a smoker that might be more similar of what most competition cooks use

3) I want the versatility of a smoker and a grill (seems like lots of times I'd like to "finish" eitther ribs or chicken wings or even beer can chickens with some high direct heat.

4) I'd like to stay as close to a grand as possible for the cost.

So I'm looking for any suggestions or advice you guys have on this topic. So far I've looked at this site and gotten some good ideas.
but I'd really like to hear from you guys too.

If I had a front runner today it would probably be the The Good One Open Range, but I really am open to all suggestions.

Thanks a bunch for any thoughts on the subject.
Thanx for asking... but your equipment list is already championship quality.
Personally have done (3) butts plus a brisket on (ONE) Bubba Keg times three Kegs.


You have what it takes...

Your budget feels a bit restrictive if you are trying to find a comp-sized offset.
I agree with the others, that you should be able to do just fine with your smoking equipment. One supplier I've been window/web shopping/dreaming of is Gator Pit of Texas. They have a budget line that might work for your bottom-line, and best I can tell their quality is exceptional. See there budgetpits here: but if you call them, I've no doubt they can figure out how to help provide what you want.
C'mon guys, he is looking to spend some money...:cool:

I would look into PitMaker...It's more than you are looking to spend, but you may have to pay a little more to get something you really like.
For versatility of a smoker and grill I lean towards Klose pits. But I'm biased since i have one. The firebox has a lid that allows you to grill direct over wood or charcoal. I love mine and use all the time at home now. It was my comp cooker until I got the Spicewine. But a Klose will run a bit more than a grand. Worth every penny though.

Stick Burners RULE!
I agree with the others, that you should be able to do just fine with your smoking equipment. One supplier I've been window/web shopping/dreaming of is Gator Pit of Texas. They have a budget line that might work for your bottom-line, and best I can tell their quality is exceptional. See there budgetpits here: but if you call them, I've no doubt they can figure out how to help provide what you want.

Have been corrected... thank you for showing us a quality builder's budget line.