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I am new to competitions and was testing out some oakridge stuff this saturday. Specifically the brine and the secret weapon rub as described on the oakridge site. I pretty much used his method as described on his webpage. I am a crappy picture taker, so the pics could have been better. I took the pics more for my team since they were busy this weekend with other things. my exact recipe was this. (its really the same thing on the oakridge site so go there if you need more detail).

I'd also like to note, that we have been using the birds from SAMs, which after reading his post actually suck. haha, who would thunk that? This time i got a bird from randalls, with only 4% added solution. The bird was way bigger and healthier looking than any bird i've purchased from SAMs.

Heat 2 cups of water and 1 cup of brine to 140 degrees.
Stir it up till it is all dissolved.
once at 140 degrees
add 4 cups of cold water and 2.2 cups of ice
stir it up until it gets to 40 degrees or a few degrees lower
used a 2.5 gallon freezer bag, put in both chicken halves and brine
let it sit for 4.5 hours
pull it out and rinse it off thouroughly
pat it dry with paper towels
mix 1/2 cup of evoo with 1/2 cup of secret weapon
get a new 2.5 gallon freezer bag and massage the chicken with the mix
pull out chicken and put on a cookie sheet take remainder mix and apply liberally to the chicken
marinade for one hour
pull it out and sprinkle light layer of rub on chicken
put it on the smoker skin side up
cooked at about 350 for 1 hour and 5 minutes, until thigh hit 170
Lump Charcoal with 5 apple wood chunks
foil tent for 10 minutes, then cut it up and serve.

My thoughts, we suck at chicken as a team so far and we were getting to our wits end on them. IMHO you need bite through skin and a good juicy inside the bird to get anywhere, oh and a nice color. We've tried various processes and I have found the latest cook with the brining and high temp cook is the way to get it all in one shot. The brining of the chicken helped keep the chicken moist with such a hot cook. The high temp help make the skin bite through. The taste of the oakridge though both inside and out was A+. I've seen base brines for chicken before and they're pretty standard, but this brine is that and then some. I call it top shelf. You can use sugar or you can use raw sugar cane, you can use salt or you can use kosher sea salt, etc etc. To me it's luxury brine, its really good and will probably be a staple at least for a while when i do chicken. ( I still like to experiment ;)). I feel that I will always use that cook process now, for me on my uds, it's great!!!










That Oakridge brine will get some great flavor deep down in those chix - I've used it a couple times with great results. :thumb:

Nice work there sir! :hungry: