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Full Fledged Farker
Jul 3, 2010
Sellersville, PA
Found whats advertised as a lang 60. Its a deluxe with chargrill, but the pics actually look like its an 84 (double sided doors, old school tank design). I dont need it, but it seems like a good deal and it would be cool to have the capabilities to do personal parties and such, as up here in PA everyone thinks Im god when I reheat pulled pork out the freezer. Also, Im still young in bbq but I find myself fantasizing about smoking a whole pig.

Basically I need the Brethren to re-assure me Im making a good decision.

And what you think? Lang 60" or 84"???


If you have the money to blow... one can never have enough smokers.

If you end up not liking this one, you could always give it to me :thumb:
Buy it, buy it now !!!!!!!!!
If it's a 60 it was custom made.
Send the pictures to Ben Lang for official clarification.
But...Buy it, buy it now !!!!!!!!!
You can measure it when you show up to...

BUY IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!
What sucks is its about 3 hours away, and I dont have anything that can tow. My one buddy does and hes always said he'd help me if I found one, but he just had a baby girl on saturday so his schedule isnt exactly free.

$2k. good deal?
That is a 84.................2 is a good price like bubba said if everthing is ok you may want to check wheel bearing for grease before towing it