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Wow, you guys make this stuff way too complicated. How about a simple white board? If a whole team can't keep track of that, something isn't right. K.I.S.S.
exactly. I use a dry erase board hanging on the wall in my trailer. I have a thermoworks timestick if i need to set a quick timer. I think I've use it twice since i bought it over a year ago. I guess in my mind if you need to have that many alerts on a timeline, do you really know what you are even doing and why? Even with my timeline, it doesn't get followed to an exact. Everything I do has a purpose behind it and is done when needed, not just because a piece of paper says to do it. Sometimes I won't even do something if I feel it isn't needed.
Wow, you guys make this stuff way too complicated. How about a simple white board? If a whole team can't keep track of that, something isn't right. K.I.S.S.

+1 for Scottie's advice. We created a simple timeline in excel with 4 columns for each meat and printed those out and have a few of them scattered around our site/trailer. We put the page in a clear sleeve to keep them from getting wet.

Also agree with Untraceable. I used to fret over very minor things when I started. The more I've cooked and competed the less I worry about the small stuff.

I try to keep it simple. (And I'm a techie guy too:tape:)

If you want to go the alarm route, that's a pretty clever solution with Outlook though.
I think the problem with the rigid alerts from your phone is - what happens when you get 10 minutes behind and alerts are coming every 10 minutes?

We print spreadsheets, laminate and have no problem keeping everything straight unless we get into the whiskey.

It seems that people think we have every little thing on the timeline. We don't. And just because the alarm sounds to check something doesn't mean we will pull it right then. We cook by look and feel like most of you do. I would just rather have the timeline in my pocket than to have to look for it. I would rather have alerts than to have to watch a clock.

Everyone has a timeline for one thing; consistency. That is the reason I am doing this. We want to have a consistent cook. After a while most cooks seem to memorize most of their timeline. You don't need alerts and some cooks I know don't even have a printed timeline. We ain't there yet. When you only cook once every few months it's nice to know that if you forget to do something important that you will get an alert to remind you. We also are still working out some aspects of our timeline as we have taken a few classes and are trying to incorporate those ideas.

I really didn't intend to get folks upset with me for this idea. For those that like the idea though I hope it works well for you! For everyone; best wishes and hope you get the last call! :razz:
I think the problem with the rigid alerts from your phone is - what happens when you get 10 minutes behind and alerts are coming every 10 minutes?

We print spreadsheets, laminate and have no problem keeping everything straight unless we get into the whiskey.


Good question. I think at that point we might silence the alerts. I would still have the timeline on my phone (or even a printed version of the outlook calendar) to follow. Understand though that some of the alerts allow for time issues. i.e. The alert to unwrap ribs isn't set at a hard time but at the beginning of that window. If the ribs are running a little slow I will do the same thing I would do if following a paper timeline. I would wait till they are ready.

I got the idea of alerts on the phone from a few teams I know that are doing very well right now. I gathered that this helped them to be more consistent and less stressed. I liked the idea so I am going to try it. We'll see! :doh:
It seems that people think we have every little thing on the timeline. We don't. And just because the alarm sounds to check something doesn't mean we will pull it right then. We cook by look and feel like most of you do. I would just rather have the timeline in my pocket than to have to look for it. I would rather have alerts than to have to watch a clock.

Everyone has a timeline for one thing; consistency. That is the reason I am doing this. We want to have a consistent cook. After a while most cooks seem to memorize most of their timeline. You don't need alerts and some cooks I know don't even have a printed timeline. We ain't there yet. When you only cook once every few months it's nice to know that if you forget to do something important that you will get an alert to remind you. We also are still working out some aspects of our timeline as we have taken a few classes and are trying to incorporate those ideas.

I really didn't intend to get folks upset with me for this idea. For those that like the idea though I hope it works well for you! For everyone; best wishes and hope you get the last call! :razz:

I'm with you in the fact that we don't cook enough to have a routine that I can remember, so I have to have everything written down in a timeline to follow, otherwise I'll get in the weeds and forget to wrap ribs or whatever. I do have a few alarms set on my iphone for certain tasks, but I do like the idea of a "teamwide" alarm that we can set up online for more than one user.
I thought about Evernote or Onenote but we felt that we really need/want alert notifications. I do have all my notes from the class I took (timelines, recipes, and pictures of techniques) typed up in Onenote as a backup. Great way to keep things organized.

And your team mate apparently has a mental block with one note.
I know people who can keep a schedule in their head - and win big! Do what works for you.

If that means 4 kitchen timers, whiteboard, printed sheet of paper or any technology - there are options for everybody. Nobody can argue with that!

But I can't help make one observation - even a printed sheet of paper costs more than 180Que :-D
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Just use the alarms on your phone and a wipe board/piece of cardboard/butcher paper...I still have all the major marks in my iPhone...easy peezy.