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I think the biggest prob is the lack of balls to make a decision, announce it, and stand by it. This thing is less than two months away and all we hear are basically rumors and supposed "Inside info". When will this crap ever stop :(
well, I guess it wasn't just logic on my part. I remember when that whole TOY deal from 5 to 10 contests was going down. and I beleive again last year, teams were in a uproar over it. They wanted different divisions, et al. for KCBS TOY. I am not sure how this is placating those teams now? To me, that is a bigger wedge being driven?

I have always felt that KCBS is not driven by a few teams, but by the whole KCBS as a whole. Meaning their is a bigger voice of smaller teams than a select few. I think money is making some blind to what we (KCBS) are really all about.

It was cooks who put this in play. As you all know I was trying to make those changes. Sorry guys maybe the next board.
Scottie, for that matter, look at all of the teams the Royal and Jack leave out of even consideration. There are close to 100 teams competing in the AR Invitational, give or take. And there were over 4,000 teams competing last year. The Jack is even more exclusive. I don't hear of anyone having a problem with that. Those two invitationals combined may serve 5% of the teams competing in KCBS sanctioned events. I'd imagine there will be a better system in place if this thing grows wings and takes off. But for now, it is what it is. And no, I'm not saying that because of where we are currently. I'd feel the same way if we weren't. And I wouldn't have been disappointed if it had been decided to initiate this in 2011 even though we darned sure won't be in this position this time next year.

Maybe, though, this IS the best way to do it because as has been said, the top 50 as it stands right now will likely be very different at the end of the year. Maybe this is a chance for the teams who won't be there in November and lets them get a shot at some recognition and a shot at the big boys in a head to head competition.

I think that the point is not about being exclusive, but that the trend is that everything is becoming exclusive. With this Sam's money they are looking to pay the TOY teams and then also have a TOY invitational cookoff and pay those same teams again.

Instead of using that money to bring up the bottom and pay the best teams in the country they are just paying the top teams twice. If that is the way they want to go, that is there business, but it does nothing but make sure that a handful of cooks collect even more checks this season.

But this could have all been handled a little better if KCBS would just announce the schedule and stick to it. Throwing a big money contests in OK in the middle of the year does nothing but reinforce the idea that KCBS is looking to make certain cooks pockets fatter.
I haven't seen or heard anything definitive. Who is putting up the $25k?

If it's Sam's money that's seperate from the KCBS contract, I don't see the issue. They want to put on the event, and are willing to fund it. They want the biggest/best names in BBQ they can get, and are willing to pay.

If the $25k is coming from that contract, things get a little more complicated.
I can't find any mention of KCBS on that page. Who will be doing the classes for KCBS? How were they chosen?

Wasn't there a conflict of interest issue with this contest and a BOD member last year? Is that BOD member still involved?

Yep and it seems there is even more conflicts this year. If they are a partner does that mean they are runnig a contest that they sanctioned for there selfs? And what about the two email blasts they sent out, seems to me alot of other contests woudl like the same treatment? Will the treasury's report show they paid the sanctioning, ads and for the emails blast? I have asked the questions, got a reply from one BOD member that stated it is all legal and approved by the BOD and to get over it? The BOD never has approved a partnership to my knowledge, if it happen will someone please let me know what podcast it is on?
I think that the point is not about being exclusive, but that the trend is that everything is becoming exclusive. With this Sam's money they are looking to pay the TOY teams and then also have a TOY invitational cookoff and pay those same teams again.

Instead of using that money to bring up the bottom and pay the best teams in the country they are just paying the top teams twice. If that is the way they want to go, that is there business, but it does nothing but make sure that a handful of cooks collect even more checks this season.

But this could have all been handled a little better if KCBS would just announce the schedule and stick to it. Throwing a big money contests in OK in the middle of the year does nothing but reinforce the idea that KCBS is looking to make certain cooks pockets fatter.
And you wonder why I made that poll about where you think the KCBS is going and on where you think it should be going.
Well they put out the official email today and I entered!

Hey Arlin, you and Jean gonna come out and hang... I will need my good luck charms!
Congrats to all those who qualified! It's nice to see another contest with a great prize pool.