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It's a shame how the fun is getting sucked out of it before it even happens.

I hope my post wasn't taken as a complaint about this competition or in general as that wasn't the intent. I like that Sam's is having a comp. My thoughts were just based on Paul's stats and possible ways to get more teams eligible for team of the year criteria.
If they are not coming, I would imagine that it is because they are both chasing down #7 and didn't want to sacrifice a potential qualifying event for the invitational. I completely understand and respect that decision.

Quau is an auto for DC. More than likely John is an auto for SD home state. .
I hope my post wasn't taken as a complaint about this competition or in general as that wasn't the intent. I like that Sam's is having a comp. My thoughts were just based on Paul's stats and possible ways to get more teams eligible for team of the year criteria.

No, no, no.....just in 'general'. The statistics are what they are and that's fine. I don't see why people are getting in an uproar about this contest. It is what it is. Their contest, their rules, their playground, their money.
No, no, no.....just in 'general'. The statistics are what they are and that's fine. I don't see why people are getting in an uproar about this contest. It is what it is. Their contest, their rules, their playground, their money.

Just wonder where this "pro-organizer" sentiment was when it was Ron Cates.

After all it was his money, his contest, his rules, and his sponsors.

Just seems like it was their way or the highway when it was Ron Cates putting on a contest and now it is whatever the sponsor wants...I have a feeling that it has to do with the amount of money KCBS stands to gain from this deal. But again, I dont think that anyone has a problem with this contest, just that this contest is just another example of what a lot of people think is wrong with KCBS. This thread stopped being about this contests a long time ago.
Lots of great things coming to BBQ
Most probably will not be perfected day one
You know perfect like the State Championship system :)
Just wonder where this "pro-organizer" sentiment was when it was Ron Cates.

After all it was his money, his contest, his rules, and his sponsors.

Just seems like it was their way or the highway when it was Ron Cates putting on a contest and now it is whatever the sponsor wants...I have a feeling that it has to do with the amount of money KCBS stands to gain from this deal. But again, I dont think that anyone has a problem with this contest, just that this contest is just another example of what a lot of people think is wrong with KCBS. This thread stopped being about this contests a long time ago.

I'd disagree, I see this as two seperate beasts. With Ron, you have a private sponsor putting on a private tournament. With Sam's, you've got a KCBS Sponsor (where most of us are members) for our "Team of the Year" contest, the team that represents our "Best of the Best." As most of us know, on any given weekend, any of the top 50/100 teams could win a contest head to head.

I think the point that Bobby and others are trying to make is not that its not fair, but more, how can we give those cooks, who are legitimate good cooks, a chance at getting into the contest. This point I have to agree with, as not all of us can afford to take the time off / handle the cost to cook 20+ contests a year. Let alone 6 months into the year have 10 cooks in to be fully considered on the TOY scale. If they want to continue to have the TOY contest in the middle, then a sliding scale or a 7/1/09 to 6/30/10 etc. calendar should be used.

I don't think the discussion is taking away from the contest, all of us wish the teams that are able to compete in it the best of luck and hope they have a fantastic contest (I don't envy the August heat in Oklahoma to anyone). I think most of us are hoping that, given its our "Team of the Year" tournament, they look to see if the scoring system that penalizes teams for not having in a full 10+ contests within the first 6 months is reviewed, especially considering most of us didn't know this would even be an option of something to achieve for.
I don't think the discussion is taking away from the contest, all of us wish the teams that are able to compete in it the best of luck and hope they have a fantastic contest (I don't envy the August heat in Oklahoma to anyone). I think most of us are hoping that, given its our "Team of the Year" tournament, they look to see if the scoring system that penalizes teams for not having in a full 10+ contests within the first 6 months is reviewed, especially considering most of us didn't know this would even be an option of something to achieve for.


I don't think anyone is trying to take away from the contest. Honestly, this thread has opened my eyes. I guess I had blinkers on and didn't realize the huge disparity.

I wish all my friends luck at this contest and bring home the rewards...
I think the point that Bobby and others are trying to make is not that its not fair, but more, how can we give those cooks, who are legitimate good cooks, a chance at getting into the contest. This point I have to agree with, as not all of us can afford to take the time off / handle the cost to cook 20+ contests a year.

Not exactly, but close to what I was trying to say.

I was not pinpointing entry into this specific contest, but a method to see how all teams that compete fairly/somewhat regularly stack up with those who do cook often at the end of the year and even have a glimmering hope to see a few of the teams that cook 8-14 times a year mixed in with some of the big dogs.

Again, the main players are still going to rise to the top. It's not the system that makes them good - they are good. But instead of only seeing 30 or so teams battle it out, it would allow 300-400 teams to feel like they are in the action.
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I'm surprised that Learn2Q is on there. (not that he doesn't deserve it). When I talked to Troy last, he was still barely moving good after his bypass surgery. Guess he plans on being back by then.
I'm surprised that Learn2Q is on there. (not that he doesn't deserve it). When I talked to Troy last, he was still barely moving good after his bypass surgery. Guess he plans on being back by then.

That's great that he's planning on being there! Must be lots of good news from his doctors.

Wow, we all knew pretty much what the list would look like but just seeing it is a bit unnerving! I sure as hell don't belong there but we're gonna just go do the best we can and represent the little guys! LOL!:boxing: