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Then I went to the kitchen and strated slicing my ribs


I took a small bite and thought: NAILED IT!
The best I made so far. Crunchy barc exploding with flavour. Soft melting meat full of juices. little scorched fat chucks. I gave some bites to the people in the kitchen and they almost fainted.
There was more food but...

Meatballs with green peas


Stuffed peppers


Rosted chicken



I didn't get the Gefilte and other stuff.
They were all over the ribs. Finished three of the 4 racks. Did not touch the other dishes. At some point I said to my SIL I was sorry and I didn't mean to steal her show. This was her house and "her night". She laughed and said she expected this to happen and to take it cool. People just could not stop talking about it. Asked me all kinds of questions. They were amazed that beef would have this taste and texture. It was like bringing an alien to Sader. What a sucssess.

All those dishes looked beautiful, but I must say you topped them all.

It's funny how food still has a way of bringing everyone together with all the stuff going on in the world these days.

Doesn't look like anyone should have left hungry!
Looking mighty good!

So you celebrate Sader on Friday night there?

Over here, Sader by non Jewish traditions (maybe just Chicago Catholics, I'm not sure) was always a Thursday night thing because Good Friday is the last meat free/fasting observation day.

But I know the traditions in your country run much deeper by few thousand years, and your entire country takes a proverbial break all day long on Saturday the Sabbath.

Its only been 3 years, but it feels like too long since I have been back there.

Have a great and safe holiday season for you and your family!

I did not know there was a Sader Catholic tradition. Any way it is celebrated according to the Jewish calendar on any day it falls. Maybe not Saturday.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. It was an event. I have had no experience in making just ribs for a large dinner. Well large for me. Normally I make steaks, burgers, chicken etc. Shorter cooking. Maybe I was not confident enough in my long cook skills with beef. I have cooked pork but this is different. This event changed my mind. Definitely something I will do again.
Your Beef Ribs looked and, I'm sure, tasted great. However, you had a lot of competition, and you are in a family with many great cooks, if the photos were any indication of how the dishes tasted. I'm sure your SIL will expect a repeat performance next year.
Your Beef Ribs looked and, I'm sure, tasted great. However, you had a lot of competition, and you are in a family with many great cooks, if the photos were any indication of how the dishes tasted. I'm sure your SIL will expect a repeat performance next year.

Peas and meatballs? That looked awesome. Ribs looked good too ;)

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They are great cooks. I tasted most of the dishes and they were delicious. I don't eat Gefilte but the rest was superb. My favorites were the chopped liver and the meatballs with peas. I took some m&p home and have been eating them over rice for lunch the last two days. I actually preferred them over my ribs. Sometimes there is too much of a good thing.
They are great cooks. I tasted most of the dishes and they were delicious. I don't eat Gefilte but the rest was superb. My favorites were the chopped liver and the meatballs with peas. I took some m&p home and have been eating them over rice for lunch the last two days. I actually preferred them over my ribs. Sometimes there is too much of a good thing.
I had never heard of meatballs and peas being a dish. I can't wait to try them on my own.

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I had never heard of meatballs and peas being a dish. I can't wait to try them on my own.

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There was some kind of tomato sauce and fried union. I'll try to find out who made it and get the recipe.