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A couple of years ago I found the Weber cubes on close out at Target for $1.50 a box. I bought them all! :-D

I am almost out, so I’ll give these a try.
I still have 3 boxes of Weber cubes that I will use up eventually but unless I find a clearance bargain like you found it's Rutland from here on out.
I also stocked up on The Cubes during those clearance times...probably bought 50 packs! I use them for the wood stove as well as charcoal.

The cubes have their downside, as mentioned above, and I won't pay $4.99/box, so I plan on checking out Rutland's.
I prefer the clean burn and non toxic makeup of alcohol soaked cotton balls. However, the world's supply of 90+% isopropyl alcohol has vanished since the corona virus has challenged that supply chain. The lower proof alcohol is available but it won't burn.

Fortunately there are many alternatives for lighting our coals.