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Quintessential Chatty Farker
Nov 12, 2006
Des Moines, Iowa
Okay folks, here's your annual chance to tell the KCBS Rules Committee what's on your mind! You don't really need to wait for the Banquet, you can send in ideas any time to: [email protected]

I'm hosting the annual Open Rules Meeting again this year in Nashville and I'm inviting any and all members to let us know what YOU think should be changed, added or deleted. Its going to be an open Town Hall type meeting where I'll read out the e-mails that I get and the members in attendance can give their thoughts on all of them. I'll also be taking suggestions from the audience for the Rules Committee.

These will be condensed and handed over to the new Rules Committee chairperson at the February meeting for study by the new committee. Remember - if we don't hear from the membership we don't know how you feel about these issues!

And another reminder. If you haven't done so already, please VOTE!!!
OK you axed for it....

"Fresh leaf garnish shall no longer be allowed in any KCBS sanctioned BBQ contest.
A 9"X9" Styrofoam clam shell with a green absorbent pad will be provided by the organizer during the cooks meeting."

KCBS will obtain and stock a supply of custom cut green absorbent pad (similar to pads in meat trays) that contest organizers will request in advance of their contest.
The use of this pad will replace the stark, naked appearance of a garnish free turn in box while also keeping the meat in place and controlling sauce pools.

OK you axed for it....

"Fresh leaf garnish shall no longer be allowed in any KCBS sanctioned BBQ contest.
A 9"X9" Styrofoam clam shell with a green absorbent pad will be provided by the organizer during the cooks meeting."

KCBS will obtain and stock a supply of custom cut green absorbent pad (similar to pads in meat trays) that contest organizers will request in advance of their contest.
The use of this pad will replace the stark, naked appearance of a garnish free turn in box while also keeping the meat in place and controlling sauce pools.


I think this is the most positive change that could be made!
My suggestion is to not put too much weight in this town hall meeting. It is not representative of the membership. Too much went in to that meeting in Philly, that wasn't very well attended. My feelings are the reps need to get more involved with contests and enforce the rules. We do t need to get ridiculous rulesike this pork fiasco. And yes I realize that reps dominate the Board. But sooner or later they have to roll over and do what is best for KCBS and not what is best for them...
I say put an online vote where each member votes on specific rule changes and not let the board speak for the populous. Use popular vote to determine the rules this way no voice is not given the chance to vote their opinion. We, the 14,000 due paying members, need to dictate where this hobby goes, if it were not for our entry fees and annual dues KCBS would not exist.

And yes Scottie I just had a cup of coffee!!!!!
I think we need to start random testing for PEDs.

Seriously though, one change would be to allow contests with meat provided to be included in the main points (TOY) series as long as it is just based on the four standard meats and does not have further limitations on cooking methods. I would also allow organizers to put limits on the amounts of meat to be cooked. These rules would help keep costs down at select contests, maximize the skill of the cook, and maybe add a bit of fun.

I'm also good with eliminating garish or making it optional at the organizer's option.

My preference on the 'pork rule' would be to treat it like brisket, basically eliminating all restrictions other than it must be domestic cut shoulder.

I think there should be a junior or amateur division for TOY. There would be several ways to do this, but I'm thinking something like the top 5 scores for teams competing in a maximum of 10 contests. This would allow teams that can't compete 25 or 30 times a year to have a 'minor league' championship.

Not a rule, but it would be nice to be able to sort TOY results by state and region.

Just some of my random thoughts, feel free to bash.
I agree the current rules should be enforced and then see how things go from there. After all we can. Create as many rules as we like but if they don't get enforced what good are they
I agree as well, the current rules should be enforced and then see how things go from there. Why change or create more rules when the present rules are not enforced.
Anyone ever see a rep with a scale, make spot checks of Pork after its on the cooker, do spot checks for safe food handling, or walk the site during quite time just to name a few.
Two suggestions:

1) For chicken, require that cooks turn in six portions each of white and dark meat.

2) For all sauce put on meat, no more than 1/3 of such sauce (as measured by volume) may be a Blues Hog product.

OK, #2 isn't serious, but it seems there are a few trends in BBQ that have become stale. I'd like to see some rule changes to encourage experimentation and advancement of the sport.
I agree as well, the current rules should be enforced and then see how things go from there. Why change or create more rules when the present rules are not enforced.
Anyone ever see a rep with a scale, make spot checks of Pork after its on the cooker, do spot checks for safe food handling, or walk the site during quite time just to name a few.

If the current REPs aren't able to be out and about in the team area then maybe they need to have more REPs at each contest. A "roving REP" is a GREAT idea to ensure compliance.
I say put an online vote where each member votes on specific rule changes and not let the board speak for the populous. Use popular vote to determine the rules this way no voice is not given the chance to vote their opinion. We, the 14,000 due paying members, need to dictate where this hobby goes, if it were not for our entry fees and annual dues KCBS would not exist.

And yes Scottie I just had a cup of coffee!!!!!

I could see this as an incentive for cooks to JOIN KCBS!

Thanks for the idea.
I could see this as an incentive for cooks to JOIN KCBS!

Thanks for the idea.

May be a good idea, but if you are going that way, maybe it should be regestered cook teams who have cooked at leat 1 contest in the last 12 months. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the majority of of KCBS members are judges not cooks.