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Babbling Farker
May 4, 2008
Boise, Idaho
As promised, here's the recipe that I whipped up for some Oakridge BBQ
Habanero Death Dust Kielbasa. This is hot-but-not-too-hot garlicy piggy
goodness at its best.


2 lb Pork rib trimmings, or pork shoulder, cut to roughly 1" pieces/cubes
2 lb Pork sirloin, cut to roughly 1" cubes
12 oz Uncured bacon (I used Hempler's), chopped to 1"
1 cup Ice water
3 Tbsp Kosher salt
2 Tbsp Oakridge BBQ Habanero Death Dust
2 Tbsp Dry marjoram
1 Tbsp Old Bay seasoning
2 tsp Black pepper, ground fresh
1 1/2 tsp Granulated garlic

Combine all of the ingredients in a very large mixing bowl and stir well to

Split the meat mixture into three equal portions, put each portion into a
gallon zip-top bag and refrigerate overnight.

About 90 minutes before you're ready to grind and stuff the sausage, move
the bags of meat to the freezer, along with your meat grinder parts (I use
a grinder/stuffer attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer).

Assemble your grinder for a small grind and set a large mixing bowl in an ice
bath to catch the ground meat.

Working as quickly as you can, grind the meat into the bowl in the ice

Cover the ground meat and refrigerate immediately.

Prepare your stuffer with your casing of choice. I used 33mm prepared
collagen casings from Cabela's.

Working in batches, stuff the sausage into approximately four 18-inch
portions, per your machine's instructions.

Refrigerate the stuffed sausage at least two hours before smoking.

Start your smoker and prepare for smoking at 275* with the smoke wood
of your choice. I used cherry.

Smoke the sausage indirect until it reaches an internal temperature of
165* (about two hours).

Remove the sausage from the cooker and serve.

I served mine on a toasted roll with melted baby Swiss cheese, and I
topped them with sauteed red onions and plain yellow mustard.


Note: If you plan to serve the sausage the day after cooking it, simple let
it cool at room temperature for an hour then refrigerate it in gallon zip-top

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Looking good John!!

Made our own sausage for really the first time recently. Was pretty dang fun...grossed out the ladies in the house with the sucking/spraying action of the Kitchen Aid grinder.

Will definitely be giving this recipe a shot...that Death Dust sounds like some pretty HOT stuff...those with the softer mouths in the family may not tolerate too much of it.
Looking good John!!

Made our own sausage for really the first time recently. Was pretty dang fun...grossed out the ladies in the house with the sucking/spraying action of the Kitchen Aid grinder.

Will definitely be giving this recipe a shot...that Death Dust sounds like some pretty HOT stuff...those with the softer mouths in the family may not tolerate too much of it.

Thanks. Actually, this recipe falls nicely in the "spicy" category. This
sausage turns out about the heat of an average hot link. It's by no
means rip-your-lips-off sausage, but the Oakridge flavor is outstanding.

Wow! the consistency of that sausage is PERFECT! That ain't easy to do. Great Job!!! This is now on my bucket list. Thanks, John!

Wow, what can I say? Another post and recipe to add to my collection. Thanks again for the post, recipe and pron. My shipment from Mike should be arriving any time now. I almost have everything I need to start my sausage making experience. :thumb:
You're gonna be responsible if I go out and get a meat grinder and stuffer when I really ought to be saving for something else.
Outstanding recipe John!
I wasn't even interested in making my own sausage until I joined the Brethren. I guess now I also need to learn how to brew my own BEER to go along with MY sausage. Might as well get my dad's old dehydrator out and start making jerky while I'm at it. Next thing you know us living in the south, friends will be wanting me to start making Lightning. :hand:
You're gonna be responsible if I go out and get a meat grinder and stuffer when I really ought to be saving for something else.
Outstanding recipe John!

No. You ought to be getting a grinder and stuffer - that's the priority!

Thanks for putting up the recipe, PD - always on the lookout for a good sausage recipe. This looks fantastic - I love kielbasa and I'm definitely not opposed to food with a good kick. :thumb:

I'm thinking as an option you could throw in a little TQ or Instacure and slow smoke to 150 for sausages to be put up & then grilled later.
I just put some of the kielbasa in the oven in a cast iron skillet with
some sauerkraut , freshly chopped apples, a little brown sugar, and
some black pepper.

Should be some good leftovers. We'll see...
