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You sound like you already have your sauces figured out, but this the recipe i use and im not a vinegar person, i can't stand the smell, but i love this sauce anyways. oops i forgot i add a little more of the sweet baby rays and a little ketchup to the mix

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Fat Johnny's Bastardized Piedmont Sauce

(an outstanding recipe by professional chef "Chez" John Eddy of Topeka, KS. Somewhat similar to Blues Hog Tennessee Red in some ways)

1 quart cider vinegar
12 oz Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 T red pepper flakes
2 T salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp celery seed
2 T Worchestershire sauce
Juice of one lemon
1 T chipotle powder
1 tsp dry mustard
1 T onion powder

Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, and bottle. Great with Carolina style pulled pork BBQ sands
Im not giving up on the Vinegar sauce yet my friend. I got it in the frig and will see how it tastes then. I really want to thicken the sauce up for a side sauce as well.
You sound like you already have your sauces figured out, but this the recipe i use and im not a vinegar person, i can't stand the smell, but i love this sauce anyways. oops i forgot i add a little more of the sweet baby rays and a little ketchup to the mix

Copied from

Fat Johnny's Bastardized Piedmont Sauce

(an outstanding recipe by professional chef "Chez" John Eddy of Topeka, KS. Somewhat similar to Blues Hog Tennessee Red in some ways)

1 quart cider vinegar
12 oz Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 T red pepper flakes
2 T salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp celery seed
2 T Worchestershire sauce
Juice of one lemon
1 T chipotle powder
1 tsp dry mustard
1 T onion powder

Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, and bottle. Great with Carolina style pulled pork BBQ sands

Thanks for the recipe!!
Dave could you explain this? I really dont follow you there.I think Im going to make this the day before. I def need the best way to re serve it.

Not 100% sure, but I think what Dave was saying is that he prefers the inexpensive foil chafer setups using either alcohol or sterno cans to the crock pot.

Pros - Inexpensive, no washing when you're done (unless you're really thrifty and wash/reuse the pans

Con - they should NOT be used to reheat. They aren't designed for that. My favorite (and safest) way to reheat pork is to reheat it in simmering water in the vacu-seal pouch I put it in after I pulled it.

For parties, I like to time it so it's cooked overnight the night before, and held wrapped in a cooler until serving time. It's WAY inpressive to your guests to pull that bone out, and pull that pork right in front of them. But I realize, that option is not always practical.
A little bit of chicken broth goes a long way when trying to keep pulled pork moist. Works well, adds just a little flavor if you don't go overboard.
I like to offer sauce on the side so people have options. I like to have vinegar mustard sauce, and a red sauce. I personally like the mustard but my friends and family are more familiar with a red sauce of sorts...
Try to get some Head Country bbq sauce if you can. It's not near as sweet as Blues hog, and is just really good on everything. I think that Johnny Trigg uses it in his rib glaze. Also, you're right about the vinegar needing to rest a few days, and don't be scared to also add a bit of water. Back in the day, the vinegar wasn't as stout. Regarding mustard sauces, the only ones I find very many folks liking either have tomato paste or are more of a honey mustard sauce. My favorite honey mustard came from Steven Raichlen and my other favorite came from Mike Mills, his emulation of the Piggy Park sauce. Concerning tasting bbq sauces, remember that it's gotta be tasted on the bbq.


Yep, the pans shouldn't be used to reheat, just to keep it warm, and forget it if it's october and the wind picks up. Been there and done that, and I also prefer to pull at last minute as circumstances allow. It's always best right after pulling, and if cooked long enough, it'll pretty much pull itself, anyway.
Sorry Dave I had a couple that night and must of read your post goofy.Just never heard them referred to as chafing pans so Ill just blame El patron for that one.I dont have vaccum sealer to do it that way. Stoke N Smoke you saying I can keep in a cooler until the next day? I though max maybe 6 hours pushing it in a reg cooler. I just thought I pull it night before and warm it in the oven then on pans. Then put some juice from the butt themselves. I def dont want to be the tired cook for my sons first bday just want good food. My house hold is known for not leaving hungry thats for sure. Must be the Italian in me I dunno.
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Keep hot in a cooler for up to about six hours or so. If much longer than that to serving time, it would be better to go ahead and cool for the fridge and reheat the next day. Vacuum sealing is for freezing meat.
You sound like you already have your sauces figured out, but this the recipe i use and im not a vinegar person, i can't stand the smell, but i love this sauce anyways. oops i forgot i add a little more of the sweet baby rays and a little ketchup to the mix

Copied from

Fat Johnny's Bastardized Piedmont Sauce

(an outstanding recipe by professional chef "Chez" John Eddy of Topeka, KS. Somewhat similar to Blues Hog Tennessee Red in some ways)

1 quart cider vinegar
12 oz Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 T red pepper flakes
2 T salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp celery seed
2 T Worchestershire sauce
Juice of one lemon
1 T chipotle powder
1 tsp dry mustard
1 T onion powder

Bring to the boil, then simmer for 10-15 minutes. Let cool, and bottle. Great with Carolina style pulled pork BBQ sands

Ok this gave me a great idea on what to do with the vinegar sauce from Sleepy. These 2 recipes are pretty similiar in ingredients other than mixing it with a bottle of SBR. Im going to take half the Sleepy sauce and put it in a pan with SBR and see how that works out. I like the sauce Sleepy just would like it a little thicker. Then I still have the other half to try once it mellows.
Keep hot in a cooler for up to about six hours or so. If much longer than that to serving time, it would be better to go ahead and cool for the fridge and reheat the next day. Vacuum sealing is for freezing meat.

I plan on foiling a couple of the butts to save some juices when i reheat. Im just unsure of what the best way of going about reheating. I figure I would just put them in the pans and add some juice. Then in the oven until warm around 200 in temp? I just dont want to dry it out is what Im concerned with. Sorry with all the questions its just my first run at this and want to do it right. Im all good once I do it at least one time.
Just reheat in covered pans in a 350 degree oven.

Yeah, the saved meat juices is the way to go, and if the meat's plenty moist, I'd go ahead and skim the fat off those juices. I just think it tastes better that way, and if you want to, you can add a bit of chicken broth, worchester, and a.c. vinegar to them. If used sparingly, those ingredients won't change the flavor, but complement it. Some folks just use apple juice, but I don't care for a lot of it.
I would actually be interested in hearing people's opinions on the best way to reheat pulled pork as well. The couple of times I have done it I have thrown it into a crock pot turned to the lowest heat setting. Then I can just serve it out of the crock pot as well. It isn't perfect, but it works. I know the chafing pans would be the best way to serve, but what is the best way to reheat?

*EDIT* And I see Dave posted this very thing as I was typing this out. Thanks!
I just love that red carolina sauce on prok butt. There nothing better IMO.

Zilla, got a favorite recipe to share?

I like Blues Hog TN Red, but think it's too sweet. I tried that Fat Johnny's bastardized piedmont sauce, but found it too spicy for most folks. Some have called the two similiar, but I don't taste it. I kind of like 'em both though, and wonder what the two mixed would be like.
Zilla, got a favorite recipe to share?

I like Blues Hog TN Red, but think it's too sweet. I tried that Fat Johnny's bastardized piedmont sauce, but found it too spicy for most folks. Some have called the two similiar, but I don't taste it. I kind of like 'em both though, and wonder what the two mixed would be like.

Yes, I do. When I get home I'll post it
I like to use the rendering (if you foil)...pour that on the meat after pulling, you can't beat it.
Ok need another BBQ sauce besides Blues Hog Sauce to go with Pulled Pork. Some say Head Country BBQ is very good on PP? Any other suggestions?