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Full Fledged Farker
Jun 7, 2012
I bought my first bag of Royal Oak Lump Charcoal the other day.

I used it a couple days ago and man does it burn nice and clean. I can barely smell it burning unlike the KBB I am used to. Problem is it seems to burn faster or need more fuel. I filled up a 18.5 charcoal ring that I got out of my wsm that I transplanted to my UDS with the lump and within a few hours it was all burned up. I was smoking at 250 degrees so I didn't think it was too hot.

Do I need to just dump a bigger pile of lump in it next time and shake the ashes off when I want to burn again.

Any sales going on with lump?
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I bought my first bag of Royal Oak Lump Charcoal the other day.

I used it a couple days ago and man does it burn nice and clean. I can barely smell it burning unlike the KBB I am used to. Problem is it seems to burn faster or need more fuel. I filled up a 18.5 charcoal ring that I got out of my wsm that I transplanted to my UDS with the lump and within a few hours it was all burned up. I was smoking at 250 degrees so I didn't think it was too hot.

Do I need to just dump a bigger pile of lump in it next time and shake the ashes off when I want to burn again.

Any sales going on with lump?

Always start with a full ring on lump. It has more volume to it weight than kbb. When your done, just close everything off, shake out the ash for next time and replenish the used amount.
lump also needs to be packed in well. if not you will not get a good burn and for sure you will not have enough coals as you think it looks.
In my experience the Royal Oak does burn up faster than other lump I've used. In a ring like you are using giving a little shake during the cook to knock off some ash is good to do. Reusing lump is the norm. It doesn't fall apart like used briqs do.
The 18.5 WSM charcoal ring is just too small for a 22.5 UDS. I tried to use mine in my UDS back when it was new before I had a chance to finish its charcoal basket.
I've burnt up a few tractor & trailer loads of RO over the years. My UDS will run 20 hrs on 6 lbs with the Mexican temp control( Man-u-el ). It will burn longer & hotter than those chemical pellets from Mo. Pack it tight and break up any overly large chunks. Once the cook has ended close off the damper to snuff it out for the next time. Dump the ash top off the basket repeat as necessary.
My experience with RO is it tends to have a bunch of little bits that burn off quickly. So that might be why it is going so quick. Also you may wish to check the seals on your smoker if it is burning quickly it might have a source of oxygen that is allowing heat to escape netting an over all faster burn.
Bludawg is right, and it applies to all lump.

In order to conduct "burn" from one chunk to the other, there has to be surface area contact. I used to think that the bigger the chunks, the better, only to find that my temps would drop and I'd have to "kick the dog."

I kinda prefer lump to KBB but I don't really like the RO. It seems to be too small of chips and seems like I go through a lot.