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Full Fledged Farker
Sep 9, 2016
Essex, VT
Name or Nickame
So am gonna give another try at some ribs this weekend. The first shot (several months ago on my COS) they ended up way overdone.

Having read up on the bend test, it seems there are lots of ways to judge, and all the angles, etc seem way subjective.

I got a real good sense of probe tender when doing some dino bones a few weeks back. Wondering if it holds the same for St Louis as well? Also, can I assume I am probing between the bones?

Thanks for your help. Want to get these ones right.
Yes, probe between the bones. The bend test always results in overcooked ribs for me, too. Toothpick in and out smoothly has never failed me. Just a little tug off the bone when you bite. Only way I've ever made edible loinbacks.
Really do get the 'feel' of probe tender when it happens. My dino bones were pretty close at 5 hours. Let them go anther 30 minutes and it went from just a little resistance to none at all.
Tests for ribs.

1. Toothpick/probe. When it pokes tender your good

2. Bend test. Lifting the rack off the grate it should bend to near 90° and the surface begins to crack.

3. Pull test (my personal fav). Grabbing 2 adjacent bones lightly pull on bones. The meat should feel like to wants to give.

All test are relative to what your personal preference is so it will take some saddle time to develop the "feel". Ive never had a guest say what great tug these ribs have so i tend to cook more on the tender side.
Tests for ribs.
. Toothpick/probe. When it pokes tender your good

2. Bend test. Lifting the rack off the grate it should bend to near 90° and the surface begins to crack.

3. Pull test (my personal fav). Grabbing 2 adjacent bones lightly pull on bones. The meat should feel like to wants to give.

All test are relative to what your personal preference is so it will take some saddle time to develop the "feel". Ive never had a guest say what great tug these ribs have so i tend to cook more on the tender side.

Yep, beautiful. 9:25 in [ame][/ame]
Used the probe on my instant read. Found I have to resist the temptation to think they're done just cause they look so good. Gave it another 30 min after that point, 15 of that w sauce, and they came out great. Thanks for your help!
Used the probe on my instant read. Found I have to resist the temptation to think they're done just cause they look so good. Gave it another 30 min after that point, 15 of that w sauce, and they came out great. Thanks for your help! get a feel for when they're ready to pull.

I find that a lot of smoking and grilling is'll know when it's done.