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Great show. Enjoyed it. Hope they are planning more. Congrats Neil for being part of it. Quite an achievement!
Loved the format, the teams and of course the smack talk :eusa_clap
Great job neil......In a Pile and I learned it on the internet will become sayings on here...........years from now Heard Bimista say that ...
Funny how there was more talk about a bad show than there is about a good one...

Yea I was expecting to see at least one person say "it sucked im never watching it again", like everybody in America cares what they watch. haha.

Good job Neil, I think you got robbed. Once the judges saw you used store bought sauce I bet money they knew they would mark you down for that regardless of what it tasted like. I thought it was a great show but I'm not sure I like allowing the judges to watch the teams for instances just like Neil's. I bet if the judges didn't know Neil lost his homemade sauce they wouldn't have marked him down for it. Still a great show though. Good job to everybody involved.

Also, Neil, no Spicewine? What go you on a Pitmaker for the show? Do you think cooking on a new pit affected your end result?
I wish they had one show with out fake spills and contrived smack....Neil put cinnnamon in his ribs again. He denies it but he cant help himself.

None of the teams were using a homemade sauce

The new Spicewine trailer wasn't ready at the time. George at Pitmaker is friend of mine and hewas happy to do the show and jave his pit on tv.

I have cooked on a pitmaker before and they are great pits. New pit didn't affect the results.
Great show Neil. I was disappointed in the finish but hey, that's still some great publicity regardless. All the best to you and hopefully there's more of these shows to come.
Great job Neil!! I just have to put in my 2 cents. WOW great show. I liked everything about it but the time slot. I had to watch (DVR it in GA.) at 12:35am. the judges were great because they are real BBQ cooks and they know what to look for in good BBQ. I liked the lil helpful hints to the backyard guys and I saw a few tips for the comp people as well. All in all I think it was a very good show and hope and pray that CBS will turn it into series of shows. I also agree with whoever posted "They would like to see a newbie tossed into the mix". Just my 2 cents