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Got rid of the matchlight.
Jul 11, 2019
Clarence NY
Name or Nickame
Hi, everyone:

I have a question about pork ribs and the Traeger Bronson 20 pellet smoker/grill. This has happened a couple of times. When I make ribs, they come out almost too cooked, falling off the bone in shreds. The flavor and smoke are great, but they seem to be overcooked, according to what I see on TV. You can't just pick up a rib and take a bite -- the meat just falls off. Anyway, I think I need to adjust my cooking times. Presently, I'm doing 3 hr smoke, 2 hr wrapped and 1 hour glaze. I add 1/4 cup apple juice and seasonings (brown sugar, squeeze margarine, honey, Tiger Sauce) to the wrap. I tried reducing the time to 2.5, 1.5 and 1. Same problem, just a tiny bit better. I don't really know which times to adjust. Your help would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I usually make a single rack, in the 3 to 4 pound weight range. Use Williams Rib Tickler rub and Traeger Sugar Lips glaze. Membrane removed.

Best regards,

Are you cooking baby back ribs or spare ribs? How hot are you cooking at?

I normally make baby back ribs with 2-1-1, and they are still fall off the bone. That said, it's personal preference in how you want your ribs. Most of the time if you serve to other people, that's what the general public would want, over-cooked ribs.
It is the 2 hr wrap that is doing it. Less time in the foil should help.

+1 on too much foil time. If I foil, I check for pullback after about 1 hour. 1 hour usually does it. Once I get about 1/4" pullback, I take them out of foil, firm them up, then sauce and set the sauce for about 10 minutes. Don't hold to times. Go by what you see.
I like to do 3 hours nekid and 45 minutes wrapped then set the sauce for 15-30 minutes if I decide to wrap them. Cooking temp influences this though obviously. This is what I do for baby backs in the 250 temp range. They are not fall off the bone. They have bit of texture to them.
I think 3-2-1 is only if you're cooking spares at 225, and even then it's a guideline or a starting point. Smoke until it looks good, then wrap and check it after an hour. People say if you're looking you're not cooking, but if you don't check what you're cooking, things can go sideways quick. Overshooting your temp can happen easily when you wrap.
Darita said it best. Don’t focus on the time as much as what you’re looking for. Sure three hours in the smoke, np. Wrap em, they steam for an hour they’re probably done... pending your cut and cook temp. After that, pending your style, thin sauced TX or a thick sweet KC, you either rest them and sauce em, or put them back on long enough to firm them while the sauce sets.... toss 3,2,1 as law out the window. Like all bbq, it’s done when it’s done. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later, by feel regardless of Temp and time. Do it enough and it’ll become obvious.
All good advice so far. Use time a GUIDE and not a RULE. Smoke nekkie till color you like. Wrap and check after 45/60 min for doneness then ever 10/15 min after. You will find the sweet spot.
Hi, everyone:

I have a question about pork ribs and the Traeger Bronson 20 pellet smoker/grill. This has happened a couple of times. When I make ribs, they come out almost too cooked, falling off the bone in shreds. The flavor and smoke are great, but they seem to be overcooked, according to what I see on TV. You can't just pick up a rib and take a bite -- the meat just falls off. Anyway, I think I need to adjust my cooking times. Presently, I'm doing 3 hr smoke, 2 hr wrapped and 1 hour glaze. I add 1/4 cup apple juice and seasonings (brown sugar, squeeze margarine, honey, Tiger Sauce) to the wrap. I tried reducing the time to 2.5, 1.5 and 1. Same problem, just a tiny bit better. I don't really know which times to adjust. Your help would be greatly appreciated. BTW, I usually make a single rack, in the 3 to 4 pound weight range. Use Williams Rib Tickler rub and Traeger Sugar Lips glaze. Membrane removed.

Best regards,


Did I miss the part that you told us what temp you are cooking at?
Try skipping the wrap and pull when the probe tender between the bones, see if you like the texture better without the steaming during the wrap.