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Well, it's just past noon and the IT is at 181 and 189......I'm thinking it's gonna be done really early. Hope they'll stay warm in the cooler for about 4 hours!
4 hours should be no problem.....just pack it in with old, clean towels so it contains the heat......I typically let them rest a bit & stop cooking before the wrap so things don't go overboard.....
I just thought the stall was supposed to hit much earlier than that. Never done a boston butt before; just don't want it dried out. It is foiled, so hopefully I can get some juices from that when I open up the foil.
Thanks for the help and suggestions! I did skip the water pan and drip pan as suggested. Smoked at 275 - 300 degrees. One piece was done at about 4:30 and the other at 6:00 (started at 5 am). Stall at 189 lasted for about 3 hours! let it rest an hour and the meat literally fell off the bone. Everyone at the party said it was the best pulled pork they have ever had, and, I gotta admit, it was pretty darn good, especially given my first time doing it following the awesome suggestions I got here!

I'd post a picture, but I can't figure out how. It wants a URL when I click on the insert picture link instead of letting me upload from computer.

Thanks again, everyone!!!
It's done when it's done.

I cook my butts at 250 until they get to 165 then I wrap them and continue until 195. You can't oversmoke them so hit them hard with your wood of choice. I use hickory. Fat side up. You can't time them as every smoker is different and outside temps and humidity affect the cook as well. Practice makes perfect and our 1st place trophy last month at a comp in Memphis is showing me that we are on the right track.
I wrapped them at 160. I did smoke them fat side up. Pulled one at 201 and the other at 196 IT. Glad I had it wrapped in foil because the meat literally fell apart when I tried to pick it up from the foil and put it in a pan to shred. The meat was delicious and the bark.....the bark was amazingly delicious!