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Full Fledged Farker
May 8, 2013
Waterville, OH
I got a pig head from a local farm. They do high end Berkshire pigs raised organically, pastured when possible, etc. In short their pork is of awesome quality but is typically pricier than I can justify when serving for a crowd. However, the head was only $20 for the whole thing, so I grabbed one.

I'm having a bunch of people over next weekend for a Memorial day BBQ, and I plan to smoke the head, along with a butt or two on my stick burner. I've searched on here and found a few people just saying to treat it like a butt. That's fine, but my biggest question for those that have done a head is on timing. I can treat it like a butt and use the same rub/smoke/etc on it, that's easy. But when I'm planning to do butts and the head at the same time, what should I expect for timing?

The thing is clearly a lot larger than a pork butt, but obviously the bulk of the meat is much closer to the surface. Should I expect to put it on for the same amount of time as I do the butts, or will it take more/less time? I don't usually wrap my pork butts, but I gather I'll need to at least wrap the ears and snout on the head.

I greatly look forward to freaking out my friends' wives; hopefully a few of the more adventurous guys will also eat it. I've eaten pig's head many times and it's amazing, as many here already know.
Make sure it is completely thawed. They take forever if not.

About the same time as the butt is a good estimate from my experience. I let them go until I can pull the bottom jaw and it moves fairly easily. Just like with a butt, if it gets done early you can wrap it and put it in a cooler, etc and it will stay hot for a long time.

Make sure it is completely thawed. They take forever if not.

About the same time as the butt is a good estimate from my experience. I let them go until I can pull the bottom jaw and it moves fairly easily. Just like with a butt, if it gets done early you can wrap it and put it in a cooler, etc and it will stay hot for a long time.


Thanks for the tips, I think I saw your threads on your old cooks :)

It is frozen, and I just pulled it out of the freezer and put it in the fridge today (hence I figured I should start asking for any tips/advice on cooking the thing). The party is planned for next Saturday, so hopefully a week in the fridge will have it completely thawed.
Well he's been on the smoker since about 5 and I think he's smiling. Still has a ways to go,internal temp probed about 150*. Wouldn't fit in my main cook chamber so I've been smoking him more like 200-250 than my original goal of 300.

I just wrapped the about and ears as they were getting about the right color.

Here are a few pics...oh and my guy didn't have any eyes so I guess I'm off the hook for that one ;)

