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Full Fledged Farker
Feb 25, 2010
Baton Rouge, LA
Is there a site where I can order both of these rubs from to save on shipping? After, hearing all of the hubbub about these rubs, I have to try them. I'm a little concerned about the sodium and sugar in them though. Since I like to cook my chickens on the rotisserie at 350 to 400 degrees, I'm worried that the white sugar in the Plowboys rubs will burn, but still willing to try.
Just my two cents about the Dizzy Pig...I am not sure how much salt actually goes into their products, but they do not taste overly salty to me at all. In fact, sometimes I add a little sea salt. I have tried the pork rub in both coarse and fine grind as well as the spicy beef.
I got my stuff from
Good prices and fast shipping
Large selection including Plowboys and Dizzy Pig (filed under 'T' for "the dizzy pig", not 'D')
Good thing thats not the way i would run my business. Anyhow, Ployboys Yardbird is the delicous man.. I also recommend trying Jacked Up BBQs rub.. That has a real nice flavor as well although you will have to PM him to order it. Well worth it.
{Midnight ☼ Smoke};1251885 said:
Somehow that does not make sense. Wouldn't that just go to increase his bottom line sales?

You would be surprised how many others are the same... I am not criticizing, just stating a fact...
I just placed an order of Plowboys at Great Lakes. I'll add to the kudos they get regarding quick shipping. Order placed in the afternoon and shipped out the same day. I'm looking forward to getting it tomorrow or Monday (but hopefully tomorrow so I can use it on some chicken I plan to cook Saturday afternoon).