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Wrapped spares at 3:20 placed on grate and added chicken. Cut the backbone out and seasoned with a Frankenrub. Kind of a hang squat. ;-))
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Ribs and grate removed- chicken is swinging freely
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So I'm going to try ribs for the first time tomorrow and I'm away from home and forgot all my "Temp" stuff
i.e. Maverick, Thermapen and such, my question is after it gets going about how long before the wrap and foil ??
3 hours or so ?? I'm thinking no foil but haven't totally decided yet,
and I'm not a sauce guy so that won't be a problem. I just don't want them to fall off the hooks :(
And can't monitier(sp?) the heat
New PBC Owner checking in

Greetings, fellow PBC'ers!

First post -- joined the board mostly for the PBC talk as I just got mine a couple of weeks ago and am still learning. (My usual go-to device is a Big Steel Keg.)

Once I'm sure that I'm posting and attaching pictures correctly, I'll have a couple things to share. Not so much in the cooking arena, but more in PBC mods and convenience things. Don't worry, none of the mods change the way it cooks :thumb:

So as my test photo, here's my first cook from a few weeks back: a 3-lb tri-tip and corn on the cob. Durn tasty for a first attempt (sorry, no "after" pix of this one....)


  • firstCook.jpg
    28 KB · Views: 139
Not sure, but I'm sure you can buy 5. Come back in an hour and buy 5 more. Just change your shirt :)

I just picked up 3.

Just took my wife with me, grabbed two carts and rolled out of there with 10. Online said they had over 500 in stock so I don't feel too guilty. ;)

Thanks for the heads up on the sale!
So first cook is going...a couple of questions:

1) I know many don't worry about temps in the PBC but everywhere says it settles on around 275 degrees...I hung an air probe from my thermoworks Smoke and stuck the other probe in the meat. Temps in the barrel haven't ever gone over 230 that I have seen. Haven't watched it a ton, but at least 20 or so glances. Most of the time right around 220-225. Do I need to open or close my intake any? I guestimated 1/4 since I am about 700 elevation. Not sure opening or closing would get it hotter?

2) On the rain discussion earlier....I hadn't thought about this. If I am smoking and it starts raining and I don't have a tarp/tent to put over it...that ok? Not going to rust this thing out or kill the cook?

When the below chicken is done I am going to leave the lid off and try some frozen hamburger patties just for the fun of it. Who knows if it'll turn out.

2.5 hours in, probe says breast is at 252 (er, I meant 152):

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Those look great Adams! Does wrapping give you the pull back from the bones? I never get that much bone showing when mine are done but I don't wrap.....what's the secret. :becky:

Not a great photo. This is upside down Shot (membrane side) of spares when I wrapped. They were pulling back fine. Left them upside down sauced/wrapped in grates. Covered with towels on counter about 1 hour before cutting.
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Do you mean 152 degrees? 252 means it's burnt to a crisp!

SpookySunny - the chicken is done when internal temp is 165 degrees - I think Bob has the problem spotted.

Argggh, a typo. They were at 152 at the 2.5 hour mark.

I was going to pull at 160 and wrap / rest in aluminum foil for 15 minutes or so but I think I will go all the way to 165 on the smoker now.

Just taking longer than I thought and didn't know if the PBC not going over 235 or so had anything to do with that.
I've had chicken cooks take longer than 2.5 hours at times. 165 is the target temp so just hold on until you get there. You will be rewarded with delicious and juicy chicken.