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Full Fledged Farker
Nov 6, 2010
Oshkosh, WI
Hey all. I have tried growing peppers the last few years in Wisconsin with limited results. I hear all of you talk about growing these great peppers with some heat. Do any of my friends on the list have some seeds they might be willing to part with? I have to grow in pots due to our local friendly critters, but I'm DYING to have some success with my peppers this year.

Any assistance appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Good luck Jeff, We're not in the right climate for growing peppers. My uncle sent me some NM chili seeds and all I ever end up with is 3 or 4 2" skinny peppers on a bush Jalapenos won't grow here either. Growing peppers is just not meant for cooler climates. I have great garlic though.
To get hot peppers you need to live in a hot dry climate. My hottest peppers come when we have temperatures in the nineties and I water them just enough to stay alive.

If it is too hot, you get flowers and no fruit. It is a balancing act. At the doghouse, mid to upper nineties daytime highs and modest water seems to yield the best hot peppers.

Not likely in Wisconsin. Better stick to the sweet peppers.

Even here in Denver Colorado growing hot peppers can be tricky because the growing season is a bit short.

I start the plants inside under grow lights around the end of February and after the last frost which is usually in the first week of May I will plant them outside on the south side of the house.

I also take some empty liter soda bottles filled with water and place then around each plant they absorb the heat from the sun and slowly release the heat during the night helping keep the seedlings warm if it does get chilly.

Jalapenos do great using that method but some other hot peppers like Habaneros do not mature as well.

Peppers also like warm roots so placing some black plastic on top of the ground around the seedlings will keep the ground warm.
I live in PA and have pretty good sucess with the hot peppers, if you get them started soon enough in the spring- you might be better off finding some plants for this year- If you still wants some seeds PM me with your address and I could send you some that I have grown and saved seeds from,but you should probably save them for next year as it is getting late to start them this year
I'm in Madison, WI and would be glad to share some of my mint plants, but i've also had a really hard time getting peppers to grow at all.