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Full Fledged Farker
Jul 3, 2012
Holden, MA
I was asked to cook (and host) a 15th b-day party for the daughter of close friends. 60 lbs. of pork, 20 lbs. of chicken and not pictured are the 350 moinks from the day of. The Chicken was used to make 3 half pans of chicken enchiladas, and pork was for sandwiches served with slaw and shack sauce. (left the sweet baby rays for those that wanted on the table) Apologies for not having any finished product shots, gets busy real fast when it comes time to serve. (As a side note, teenage girls can put away food like you only read about.)

Had to move Betty under the awning as freezing rain had started by the time all the meats were ready to go on (ground was not level, hence the scrap wood). Piggy on Betty, and chickens on the UDS. Everything came out okay.
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For the butts I used Memphis dust as a base. I usually add some chili powder and ancho or cayenne the rest seems to change every time.
The chicken was for enchiladas so garlic, onion salt pepper and I injected with bird booster.