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Hawgsnheifers, if it was me I would wrap that bad boy in foil with maybe 1/2 cup of Dr.Pepper or what ever mop you may use, then stick him in the oven until you hit 195-200 and then pull.... figure after 14 hours you have all the smoke that butt will absorb! just my two cents brotha

[email protected]
I'm with the rest of the gang, now is the time for a foil finish. For starters ramp up the cooker (or go to the oven) to 240° or so. Keep the meat probe in to monitor the plateau. Once it's over you can go higher on the pit or oven temp.

191° grate temp may have been a little low when your target internal temp will be between 190° and 200°. You are right, It will take forever to get there.
O gawrsh look what ya did now.

"Wake up, man! It'll be O.K."

PimpSmoke<<<<<<<<Fanning Arlin off with an ash shovel
I thought we all lived for that smell of smoked cooked BBQ, I know when I drive down the street and smell that sweat smell I pray that the real boss of the house is out firing up the smoker or that its one of the neighbors firing up a pit.
If it was me, I would finish it in the oven, its not going to smell the house up much, but then if mama aint happy, ain't no one happy......

[email protected]
Ok She's in the roaster, sittin outside so the PB won't give me chit about stinking up the house with the smoke smell. She likes those damn stinky air wick thingings she plugs into the wall sockets. That chit makes me want to puke. She likes to put one right behind the chair I usually sit in. Pugh....

Meat already up to 151 and cooker is climbing past 181 already. Got the dial set at 225. Well see how accurate it is...

Update as they come available Bro's...
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Hey chit head, don't be a talkin bout my PB like that. Besides she your sister and she's your elder and she's already put in more work in two day's this week than you have done this year...

BTW, will you be my PB for competition this year or can't you get a kitchen pass from your OL? Now who's whipped you big puss...
Hey Jeff, I see your in KC. I'm over here in Topeka and was looking at doing some KC comp this year. I've been told by Elizabeth Lumpkin that I should become a judge or volunteer at an event or help someone else on a team.

Did you do any thing like this before you started competing?
Todd, I'd toss them damned electric smellin' things in the trash when Bruno's sister ain't lookin! No man should have to smell them damned things! Grab yourself another handful of control in that castle of yours! :lol:
You haven't seen my PB. She's a nurse and they tell me sparks fly from her nads when she walks down the hall at work. You remember the nurse from "one flew over the cuckoo's nest". I have to behave anyway cause she know how to get in here....
Butt update

It's 12.20 and were now into the cook for 17 hours and the meat is at 154. Roaster is holding steady at 233. I've heard of low and slow but it looks like this is going to take 24 hours...'

Any thoughts?
willkat98 said:
Just for the record, England did not invent the English language.

Geez... It was humor... Give a guy a little "poetic" license, huh? :-D

willkat98 said:
We did butcher the term "chips" though, and turned that into fries, then we blamed it on the French.

As it should be... :rolleyes: