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Full Fledged Farker
Aug 16, 2013
Independence, KY
As I have stated, I am a novice in this passion of mine. Question of the day... can I use ornamental fruit tree wood such as Bradford Pear, Crabapple, and wild cherry for smoking? I have a friend who is removing a few trees and one of them is the pear.
As I have stated, I am a novice in this passion of mine. Question of the day... can I use ornamental fruit tree wood such as Bradford Pear, Crabapple, and wild cherry for smoking? I have a friend who is removing a few trees and one of them is the pear.

Yes, even though they don't produce fruit, they are still in the fruit tree family. They are fine for smoking and impart the same flavors as the fruit bearing varieties.

Stock up on all you can......
Our city removed a number of Bradford Pears from a median, several years ago. I tried it, and it worked pretty well. I should have done my civic duty, and got more...