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Dec 11, 2007
El Paso, TX
Name or Nickame
I sold my 500 gallon prop tank during the summer. While I want a huge trailer mounted beast of a smoker..................I really don't have a use for anything that big. However, I'm itching to get me a little welding project to keep my arse busy during the winter. I was driving all around town this morning and hitting all those little roads and look what I found in back of a little Pop welding shop next by the railroad tracks....................I would drive past this place all the time when I lived with my folks. The tank is about 5' 6" inches and was used to keep coiled wire. (a spooler he called it) He has two of them. They are about 2' in diameter and 1/4 in thickness. Not as thick as I wanted, but perfect for a project. He wanted 100 for one tank, but I told him I'd like to rumage through his scrap pile(expando, angle, pipe, all kinds of good chit) and when I got what I wanted, then we could settle on a price for everything. I may even buy the other tank that has a big dent in it and turn it into the fire box. Good part, they were never used to store chemicals. I think I could build myself a kick arse, good sized, horizontal stick burner on wheels for about 300 bucks after I raid his scrap pile too. What do you think?

If I buy both I can cut the angled bell end of the other one and weld it to the other end of the good tank and have a symetric shape at both ends. You guys think it's worth it? I can get the expando for the grates free from my FIL. I can get most of what I need from this guy.
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Yes, start immediately. Building an Iron Pit is like being a sculptor. You see the pit before anyone else does. You simply clear everything that is not a pit.

Good Job, I am excited for you.
If I can catch the owner at home tomorrow, I'm probably gonna get everything. I even saw a heavy duty cart that has some sweet casters on it that I could remove and put on the pit. He had some nice steel plate pieces and pipe that would complete the whole project. I spoke to the guys that works for him and he gave me a tour of the was steel heaven. I saw hundreds of possiblities in there.
Go for it Bob and post pics regularly throughout the winter to keep the morale up around here. :wink:
I think you made your mind up before you posted the pictures. Just needed a little wind to push you forward.:biggrin:

I''d say yes, gone get 'em. Progress pics would be great.
Now you talking Bob . there are so many things you can do with junk. How thick are those. You could make a couple of smoker with them.
LOL! I got the guy's number, so if not today, I'll be heading over there tomorrow after work.
I've been tossing ideas around in my head all night and day!!
It's a sickness I tell ya!!:twisted:
lol, nice find bob. do it!

Also, after you cut the "angled bell" off one, torch one side lengthwise. Pry the gap open a little, slide the one with "symetric ends" inside, weld her up and now you got 1/2" pit with probably an inch width or so that could be at oriented at the bottom that is only 1\4" thick.
Just spoke to the guy and I'll see him tomorrow. I was thinking about cutting up the 2nd dented tank to make the firebox out of. The poosibilties are endless. This will end up being my backyard stick burning beast. It's 1/8 in thickness. But the idea of putting the dented one inside the other and doubling the thickness is interesting. If not, 1/8's will just fine for what I need. He doesn't want to sell the casters on the old cart I saw though. He wants to sell the whole thing, which I don't need. I can find another alternative for the wheels later on. I could also double up the firebox tank so it can handle the heat. I'm getting too excited.:shock:
Arrrrrggggghhhhhh!! Bad news, just got a call from the guy and he said, "Sorry but I changed my mind about selling the tanks." He said he would still sell me the other things, but he now has other plans for the tanks. He wouldn't say much more than that. Maybe he got more $ from someone else or wants to use them in his shop. Who knows. I guess those tanks weren't destined to be mine.

I'm gonna try the steel mill behind his shop. They don't actually pour the steel there, but they bend and roll steel plate to be used in different applications. They actually roll steel there into pipe. The guy who works for him told me that from time to time they have sections of pipe that don't make the grade and they sell it off for cheap.

I still have another lead if the mill doesn't work out either.
Always good to have a plan B and c. If you can get one from the steel mill it be a lot cleaner anyway. Sometime they might roll one of them wrong. Good luck