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Full Fledged Farker
Jan 14, 2016
Barrington NH
Ok,,i'm just venting but i hate to see food ruined no matter what kind !!

so she comes home with pork chops on sale cheap,,gee,,i wunder why ?

about 1/4 in thick,,then marinates them about 4 hours with i dont know what but it didnt taste good !

then cut's some taters an peppers and garlic to wrap in foil,,i notice the tater slices thin but that's ok,i like mine crispy that way :)

then sparegrass,,,makes a shallow tray from foil and eevo and herbs and cheese in it.

Now the cook..

the pork chops got about 10 min a side on med heat then basted with whatever it was she made then on high heat another 5 min a side,,ok,,like 30 min for THIN chops ??

then the taters in foil for about 30 min on indirect heat,,...even thin they didnt cook and got no color..

the spare grass cooked open until the cheese melted,,,couldnt cut it with a steak knife !!

i set it all on the counter..

I went to Wendy's and got a burger and fries !! i was hungry !!

Her son gave her directions,,ideas,,,she didnt follow.

he is a long time ago graduate of Le Cordon Bleu,specializing in seafood .

I hope the pix arent to offensive


I'm sure you hit it out of the park every time you cook. You sound like a blast to be married to.

Whose bringing the mellows, shots have been fired!!!!

Hey, I think we all have cooked some pretty sorry arse food in our day, he'll if we hadn't failed before we would never had learned anything.

Give her some pointers and pray she listens
I'm picturing this in my head and all I'm coming up with some gal in the kitchen cooking you supper.... and a bunch of yelling from yonder recliner....consisting of demands for beer, laptop, and a smart phone.
I'm not sure if this is an attempt at humor or not. If not, I think it is pretty shallow of you to ridicule your wife on a public forum.
I was thinking the same as above. But I think this was tongue in cheek based on the last picture. You had me going though, I was like "this ungrateful motherfarker" hahaha
LOL !! NOT married.

If i can ridicule myself and MY cooking,why can't i her's :)

tho i didnt say anything TO her :)

tying to show that if you dont listen the results will show it.