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I doubt you will find people lining up for a contest where the rules can change the day of the contest and not everyone at the contest understands which categories matter. at least not anyone with any options.
To be fair Chad, I would venture a guess that you've never cooked, or even been to an IBCA contest.

We have several of them in Oklahoma, and I've cooked in most of them, even when I've had options to cook elsewhere. The 3 main meats that count towards the GC, without fail, are half chicken, pork spare ribs, and brisket. A 4th category can be added, at the discretion of the organizer, which can run from pork butt to fajitas to beans, depending on the location, and again at the organizers discretion, may or may not count toward the championship.

The fact that it wasn't clear to all the competitors at the contest in question that pork was a 4th category that counted toward the overall championship, is not a reflection on IBCA, or the contests that they sanction. I think it is more a reflection of the head judge and/or that particular organizer.

And yes, I understand that IBCA supplied the head judge, but if you're using that as an excuse to boycott an IBCA contest, then, using your same argument, you'll be boycotting KCBS contests also. I can think of a contest or 2 where a KCBS rep made an error.

I, for one, appreciate Lynn clearing the air on this matter. I think she has made a fair attempt to convey where IBCA stands on this issue.
Correct me if im wrong but the jack requires chicken, beef and pork. Doesnt have to be 4 categories / Did i miss something?
Correct me if im wrong but the jack requires chicken, beef and pork. Doesnt have to be 4 categories / Did i miss something?

No you didn't miss anything.

I think the sticking point is that the Jack requires that a sanctioned, qualifying contest, with a state proclamation, have 25 teams that cook all the required meats. Along with the other irregularities mentioned previously, I think the sanctioning body did not feel comfortable that the contest in question met the qualifying requirements.

I know concerns were raised about a few KCBS contests that failed to meet the same criteria.

...but I could be wrong.:tape:
To be fair Chad, I would venture a guess that you've never cooked, or even been to an IBCA contest.

We have several of them in Oklahoma, and I've cooked in most of them, even when I've had options to cook elsewhere. The 3 main meats that count towards the GC, without fail, are half chicken, pork spare ribs, and brisket. A 4th category can be added, at the discretion of the organizer, which can run from pork butt to fajitas to beans, depending on the location, and again at the organizers discretion, may or may not count toward the championship.

The fact that it wasn't clear to all the competitors at the contest in question that pork was a 4th category that counted toward the overall championship, is not a reflection on IBCA, or the contests that they sanction. I think it is more a reflection of the head judge and/or that particular organizer.

And yes, I understand that IBCA supplied the head judge, but if you're using that as an excuse to boycott an IBCA contest, then, using your same argument, you'll be boycotting KCBS contests also. I can think of a contest or 2 where a KCBS rep made an error.

I, for one, appreciate Lynn clearing the air on this matter. I think she has made a fair attempt to convey where IBCA stands on this issue.

They goof'd. They goof'd in a very public way. I would say most folks in internet bbq land have very little experience with IBCA events and their first real experience with it is hearing that the rules changed after the contest was over, the awards were handed out, and the folks were leaving. That leaves a real sour taste in most folks mouths. Now to see that the event in question was then used to gain an automatic to the Jack doesnt help matters.

I am not boycotting IBCA, just saying that they aren't making a lot of friends in internet bbq land by telling folks that they changed the rules on the day of the contest.
I was told that I needed to come over and read this forum on the subject of the Jack Daniels draw and Harry Soo.

On the day of the event in NM - it was determined that the contest was a 4 meat event and all would count toward GC - that being said with all of the controversy - I spoke with the IBCA representative and was told that in no category were there 25 entries turn-in. At that time, after the Promoter asked that only 5 places be called, I told everyone involved that it would not be counted as a qualifying State Championship.

I did not report this contest as a qualifier to the Jack - but Harry did - which prompted an email from the Jack to ask about it. My response to their email was - it was a State Championship but due to the controversy of the number of teams and the number of entires I didn't submit it as a qualifier.

I have spoke with Debbie Christian from the Jack on several occassions and this matter has been discussed - therefore the decision as to whether or not Harry will be allowed to count the 7 wins will be made by the Jack.

Good Luck to all that were drawn.

IBCA is a respectible organization and we continue to grow - If those in doubt would just come and cook with us once or come and judge one of our events they would understand more about how our system works instead of bad mouthing the organization everytime something comes up.

I didn't want to get into this conversation but I deemed it necessary after reading all of the post.

Thanks for hearing my side of the story.

This is where we insert an expression icon for "shock" "disbelief" "not my problem/fault" "I'm not responsible" "I didn't do it" and "I really don't want to get involved- but i did". Give me a break.
This is where we insert an expression icon for "shock" "disbelief" "not my problem/fault" "I'm not responsible" "I didn't do it" and "I really don't want to get involved- but i did". Give me a break.
Well, at least you're still open-minded about the whole thing.:drama:
I'm sure the right decision will be made to preserve the integrity and tradition of the contest. If not, there may be a label change coming.

Wow, I can't believe you guys! :p

Stop beating a dead horse.

I think Jorge has been very contemplative. :clap:
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They goof'd. They goof'd in a very public way. I would say most folks in internet bbq land have very little experience with IBCA events and their first real experience with it is hearing that the rules changed after the contest was over, the awards were handed out, and the folks were leaving. That leaves a real sour taste in most folks mouths. Now to see that the event in question was then used to gain an automatic to the Jack doesnt help matters.

I am not boycotting IBCA, just saying that they aren't making a lot of friends in internet bbq land by telling folks that they changed the rules on the day of the contest.

At the same time, Lynn and IBCA stepped up after the fact and took responsibility for the errors. They could have ducked their shoulders, but didn't.

If something similar has happened in the past, I'm not aware of it. This is pretty close to a 'perfect storm' event.

At the end of her post, all she asked is that people give the organization a chance. If folks choose not to, that's up to them.

I'll say this as well...she knew she'd take some shots coming in here and laying the facts out, yet did it anyway. I respect, and appreciate that.
Michael, unless you have a large RV, it is most likely that your team will be placed in the lower left area of the section that Smitty marked in black. If you use Google Earth to look at the same area you have mapped, you will see that there is a large oval that is actually a horse track with a railing. The International teams will be setting up on the infield, the actual track will be empty and the smaller sized US teams will be placed around the railing and across the street.
Michael, unless you have a large RV, it is most likely that your team will be placed in the lower left area of the section that Smitty marked in black. If you use Google Earth to look at the same area you have mapped, you will see that there is a large oval that is actually a horse track with a railing. The International teams will be setting up on the infield, the actual track will be empty and the smaller sized US teams will be placed around the railing and across the street.

I really appreaciate the info, VisionQuest220. We will be staying in a hotel nearby, and we will have a rented car. Is there a parking lot for the comp teams? We will, of course, be there very early, every day.
I'm going to roll the dice here and post as a member/moderator and ask members for a favor.

The ongoing discussion/debate about the Jack draw hasn't been easy. I've talked to a lot of people to learn about the draw, what happened at a particular contest (from multiple people that were there), done research on the internet for various things, and learned a lot about what the IBCA does in the western US, etc....

My day is full tomorrow. It starts before the sun comes up, and will end close to midnight. It's full because I'm leaving for California early on Friday. The reason for the trip is to spend time with my wife and renew our wedding vows. NOTHING is going to interfere with that.

I spent time I didn't have learning what the issues were, and obtaining the facts to better moderate any discussion that might have come up. I've done my best to remain as objective and neutral as possible. The decision is in the hands of the folks in Lynchburg at this point and what happens will happen. If folks still care to discuss it then by all means do it. Just please keep it civil. The other moderators have deferred to me on this topic. As of tomorrow morning I'm done with it until I return home on Tuesday. If you want to voice your opinion, I'd keep it well within the rules. If I get a call from another moderator about this topic, and I choose to answer it, my advice will be to lock it up and end it.

The favor I'm asking is that I don't get that call.

For the folks that are traveling to cook, safe travels and best of luck. For the folks staying home, best of luck with the honey-do list and enjoy what rest you can get. For the folks fortunate enough to be in for the Jack and the Royal best of luck with all of your preperations and enjoy the magical weeks ahead of you!
I'm going to roll the dice here and post as a member/moderator and ask members for a favor.

The ongoing discussion/debate about the Jack draw hasn't been easy. I've talked to a lot of people to learn about the draw, what happened at a particular contest (from multiple people that were there), done research on the internet for various things, and learned a lot about what the IBCA does in the western US, etc....

My day is full tomorrow. It starts before the sun comes up, and will end close to midnight. It's full because I'm leaving for California early on Friday. The reason for the trip is to spend time with my wife and renew our wedding vows. NOTHING is going to interfere with that.

I spent time I didn't have learning what the issues were, and obtaining the facts to better moderate any discussion that might have come up. I've done my best to remain as objective and neutral as possible. The decision is in the hands of the folks in Lynchburg at this point and what happens will happen. If folks still care to discuss it then by all means do it. Just please keep it civil. The other moderators have deferred to me on this topic. As of tomorrow morning I'm done with it until I return home on Tuesday. If you want to voice your opinion, I'd keep it well within the rules. If I get a call from another moderator about this topic, and I choose to answer it, my advice will be to lock it up and end it.

The favor I'm asking is that I don't get that call.

For the folks that are traveling to cook, safe travels and best of luck. For the folks staying home, best of luck with the honey-do list and enjoy what rest you can get. For the folks fortunate enough to be in for the Jack and the Royal best of luck with all of your preperations and enjoy the magical weeks ahead of you!

Jorge, you have done a great job here. Enjoy your trip to California! I look forward to meeting you at The Jack.
I really appreaciate the info, VisionQuest220. We will be staying in a hotel nearby, and we will have a rented car. Is there a parking lot for the comp teams? We will, of course, be there very early, every day.

Actually, there is a very high likelihood that you'll be able to park your vehicle right at your sight, depending on how much space you need and what your cook site set up is comprised of. The last two years, we've had our vehicle parked right at our site and hopefully that will happen again this year.
I'm sure the right decision will be made to preserve the integrity and tradition of the contest. If not, there may be a label change coming.


That's some funny sheet right there. :becky:
Thanks for coming over Lynn.


I was told that I needed to come over and read this forum on the subject of the Jack Daniels draw and Harry Soo.

On the day of the event in NM - it was determined that the contest was a 4 meat event and all would count toward GC - that being said with all of the controversy - I spoke with the IBCA representative and was told that in no category were there 25 entries turn-in. At that time, after the Promoter asked that only 5 places be called, I told everyone involved that it would not be counted as a qualifying State Championship.

I did not report this contest as a qualifier to the Jack - but Harry did - which prompted an email from the Jack to ask about it. My response to their email was - it was a State Championship but due to the controversy of the number of teams and the number of entires I didn't submit it as a qualifier.

I have spoke with Debbie Christian from the Jack on several occassions and this matter has been discussed - therefore the decision as to whether or not Harry will be allowed to count the 7 wins will be made by the Jack.

Good Luck to all that were drawn.

IBCA is a respectible organization and we continue to grow - If those in doubt would just come and cook with us once or come and judge one of our events they would understand more about how our system works instead of bad mouthing the organization everytime something comes up.

I didn't want to get into this conversation but I deemed it necessary after reading all of the post.

Thanks for hearing my side of the story.
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