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somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
May 24, 2004
Long Beach, CA

Today I am giving the Bigmista Barrel a workout. I'm smoking 2 butts, a brisket and 3 racks of beef ribs. It's about 6:30, the coals are hot and I'm about to put the meat on. Here are the pics so far...









Questions? Comments?
The meat is on! Got both shelves loaded...



The temps droped some so I opened one of the holes to get it back up. Once it stablelizes, I'm going back to bed.
Looks really good. Been workin way too many hours... I'm at work right now actually. I really like beef ribs, don't make 'em often enough.
Glad to see you back! Tell those folks I said to give you a vacation! I like beef ribs too but it's hard to find them with any meat on them. They fooled me with the packaging on these.
Temps were running about 180 and holding steady and I wasn't happy with that so I opened the bottom door for about 5 minutes and got the temp up to 225 and then closed it. The door does come in handy!
Everything looks great, so far, Mista! I'm sure that the new cooker will do a great job!

Please post more food porn when eveythig is done!
One day I am going to buy me a whole Ribeye cryopac with the bones in and make my own meaty beef ribs and then use the rib eyes as see fit!
Bigmista said:
Questions? Comments?

Thats meat looks fantastic, but I'd put some wood on the hot coals before loading hew up :razz: !!!!

I'd love to see (and taste) what the finished products like...dont forget more pictures!!

Were being hit by a storm at the moment, so no BBQ this weekend for me.
Bigmista said:
I'm having a problem with too much white smoke. Anybody have any ideas?

Are you using straight charcoal and no wood?
The white smoke you see may just be the grease dripping from the cooking meat into the coals and burning.