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Kirk said:
I just received a response to my email asking where we were in line. I was also told that they weren't contacting people at first beause they didn't want to promise anything. Turns out we are #1 on the list. :-D
If you applied early I guess you've got a shot. I can't imagine that all 72 teams will be returning. I know this contest is high on a lot of people's lists but lives and circumstances change. I'm sure a few will not be able to come back (I hope :wink: ).

That's great news, Kirk! Now we wait until April 1 to see what happens...
I went to it last year to look around. real nice set up we are hopeing to get in to cook. if not the wife will try to get in to judge.
I'm In!!!!!

Just got an email confirmation (that means you're in too Kirk!) so all you folks returning to New Holland, get ready to kick my butt!:biggrin:
Just got an email confirmation (that means you're in too Kirk!) so all you folks returning to New Holland, get ready to kick my butt!:biggrin:
Holy chit, I forgot about the 4/1 deadline. Sweet! You feel like the little fish in the big pond too, huh? :-D
The Anchormen are trying to get in on this one also. I hope we can!
Strange, I just got home to check my e-mail and there's no notice there. Oh well, I'll give it a day or two before I inquire even though I'm really looking forward to it.
We're In Too!

Just got the email saying that we are in also. We were #8 on the waiting list. Looking forward to meeting fellow brethren at the contest!:-D
Should be fun, though liquor is off limits?

Try explaining that one to my buddy Rich Decker !!!!... He had the Clonesickle going all weekend (and don't overlook the Coors Light in the other hand either !!!)...Rich got on my case pretty good about drinking some Mike's Hard Lemonade... but I gave in at the end and had a few swags of his Gentleman Jack on ice... Rich says I might not be so small if I stopped drinking the Mike's and started drinking more of the good stuff...

I think most there were pretty discreet about the alcohol in full view during the day.. Sean and I brought a case each of Heineken, New Castle Brown Ale & Mike's Hard Lemonade .. We just did not walk all around the contest with open bottles...
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I'm in. I just got the e-mail response from Chuck (at 10:49, that dude puts some serious hours in).
Rich is right about that hard lemonade crap Vinny. You could switch to Lynchburg Lemonade but you won't remain vertical as long. :-D
I love that stuff when I'm cooking but you have to careful. It's 1 part each JD, Triple Sec and premixed Whiskey Sour mix (not the stuff with the booze already in it, I did that once and it was pretty powerful stuff), and 3 parts 7up. Pour that into a huge glass full of ice and get back to the cooker. Life is good. :cool:
Try explaining that one to my buddy Rich Decker !!!!... He had the Clonesickle going all weekend (and don't overlook the Coors Light in the other hand either !!!)...Rich got on my case pretty good about drinking some Mike's Hard Lemonade... but I gave in at the end and had a few swags of his Gentleman Jack on ice... Rich says I might not be so small if I stopped drinking the Mike's and started drinking more of the good stuff...

I think most there were pretty discreet about the alcohol in full view during the day.. Sean and I brought a case each of Heineken, New Castle Brown Ale & Mike's Hard Lemonade .. We just did not walk all around the contest with open bottles...

Rich told me there was no booze in that bottle. The year before he dropped 5 gallons of bahama mammas in front of my site. I think he might be trying to mess with me.
And how did that work out for you Steve,,,,, Mr two time defending champion!!!!!

I'm still not sure I won the second one. I wasn't there to witness it and I've yet to see a picture of my dad on the stage receiving the trophy. It's all some elaborate hoax.

Not to mention the fact that I operate better with a buzzzzzzzzzzzz
anyone know how long the waiting list is?

heard a bunch of 1st time teams actually got in...
same with Wildwood; been trying for years to catch that one...

That would be awesome if you do. I've really never seen any pictures of it.
