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they took out all the offensive canoe pictures and left the post where progressives were called fascists, so mission accomplished I guess.

Perhaps it was overlooked, as a moderator performing cleanup duty during the middle of their work day missed it. It would probably be easier for them to find if you reported it.
It's all good. We can leave this thread the way it is as long as we can stay on topic from this point forward. I don't want to inconvenience a moderator for that as long as they are OK leaving it the way it is.
Didn't mean to start talking about Strawberry and chocolate milk. I shall refrain.
I will be cooking one tomorrow on a drum. I will post multiple pics. Before and after trimming. Might need help w posting the pics...
I will be cooking one tomorrow on a drum. I will post multiple pics. Before and after trimming. Might need help w posting the pics...

springfield eh? My folks live outside of Jacksonville.

Just curious ..what is supposed to happen when someone says something irrelevant? Am I not ..or are we not supposed to say something in return? We had a guy posing as a cattle rancher that was sending crappy pm's i threw him under the bus. did any one of yall even bother to wonder why that happened? what word would you use to describe this? do you hug someone with open arms when they attempt to spit in your face?

what needs to happen when that happens? before yall come to conclusions perhaps a little more thought and consideration would be nice. Are we not men here? Have we degraded as a society to the point where its frowned upon to be honest? Just saying.
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springfield eh? My folks live outside of Jacksonville.

Just curious ..what is supposed to happen when someone says something irrelevant? Am I not ..or are we not supposed to say something in return? We had a guy posing as a cattle rancher that was sending crappy pm's i threw him under the bus. did any one of yall even bother to wonder why that happened? what word would you use to describe this? do you hug someone with open arms when they attempt to spit in your face?

what needs to happen when that happens? before yall come to conclusions perhaps a little more thought and consideration would be nice. Are we not men here? Have we degraded as a society to the point where its frowned upon to be honest? Just saying.

The answers you seek are in the forum rules.
springfield eh? My folks live outside of Jacksonville.

Just curious ..what is supposed to happen when someone says something irrelevant? Am I not ..or are we not supposed to say something in return? We had a guy posing as a cattle rancher that was sending crappy pm's i threw him under the bus. did any one of yall even bother to wonder why that happened? what word would you use to describe this? do you hug someone with open arms when they attempt to spit in your face?

what needs to happen when that happens? before yall come to conclusions perhaps a little more thought and consideration would be nice. Are we not men here? Have we degraded as a society to the point where its frowned upon to be honest? Just saying.

My attitude is like, what is this going to mean to me a year from now? Probably not so much. So my default is just let it go. Life's got enough real problems for us to deal with IMO.
springfield eh? My folks live outside of Jacksonville.

Just curious ..what is supposed to happen when someone says something irrelevant? Am I not ..or are we not supposed to say something in return? We had a guy posing as a cattle rancher that was sending crappy pm's i threw him under the bus. did any one of yall even bother to wonder why that happened? what word would you use to describe this? do you hug someone with open arms when they attempt to spit in your face?

what needs to happen when that happens? before yall come to conclusions perhaps a little more thought and consideration would be nice. Are we not men here? Have we degraded as a society to the point where its frowned upon to be honest? Just saying.


And if you are referencing societal degradation in a simple bbq thread here as if this is what is wrong with todays society and it needs to be corrected then it's pretty easy to see how you go from 0-100 in literally no time with very little control of your emotions since you fly off the handle at pretty much a butterfly flapping its wings in a manner that doesn't suit you even 1%. Though you say you're even keel :roll: :becky:

EdF probably said it better:-D
Hey Swole, what did the brisket taste like?

The point looks pretty good.

What's the consensus???

Sorry for delay, just saw this. Been working all day.

Well, actually when I was slicing that this morning it was very Luke warm from being in the cooler all night. I'm actually eating some of it right now that I reheated in a toaster oven wrapped in tinfoil and it's the first slices off of the flat that I thought were overcooked and dry. The taste is actually very very good and after reheating, the moisture is still there a lot more than I thought it would be.

I'm not just saying this but it is actually some of the best tasting beef flavor I have had. I may have used a bit too much kosher salt and it's a little salty on the bark but I actually like that compared to most folks. I do wish it had a little more smoke on it, but I always seem to wish things had more smoke. lol

For the bad job that I did as the cook, I think it turned out actually really well. The next one I hope to do better and have it taste even better.
now your talking, that's what I came back to check. are you happy with it even though you said it went a little long?

Yes sir I am. Especially eating it right now after reheating the slices from the flat. It turned out to be very tender and juicy. I guess it had cool down quite a bit in the cooler and seemed drier than it actually is. I will continue to update as I eat the stored portions throughout the weekend and week coming up..
Just from sight observation, the flat looked a bit overcooked. (Kinda roast beef like)

The point of that brisket looks pretty farking good. Not only that, it looks big.

With your crazy schedule, I'd say you did a fine job with the time you had, Sir.

What do you compare the taste of the Morgan brisket to your "travel", brisket?

Thanks for taking the time out to do this, Sir.
Just from sight observation, the flat looked a bit overcooked. (Kinda roast beef like)

The point of that brisket looks pretty farking good. Not only that, it looks big.

With your crazy schedule, I'd say you did a fine job with the time you had, Sir.

What do you compare the taste of the Morgan brisket to your "travel", brisket?

Thanks for taking the time out to do this, Sir.

Thank you for the kind words my friend.

Well, I haven't tried the point meat yet but I expect it will heat up and be amazing, given what I'm tasting on this flat right now.

The "beef" taste of this is FAR better than what I've been cooking (Choice briskets from Food Depot) and even being over cooked a tad, is more moist and tender than my previous as well.

As for comparing to my "travel" briskets, Man that's hard to compare. For outright smoke flavor and central texas style rub flavor, mine is a bit different. I used Kosher Salt, Pepper, and Oakridge Black Ops rub. So the rub flavor is different for sure, but still great!!

You know how the "setting" of a place like those I visited in TX can really change how your mind views things (experience, taste, etc.), so I'm sure just being at those famous places made it taste even better than it really was.

Either way...My Q never taste like I expect it to or wished it did. Doubt it ever will due to expectations that are high for myself. But, having said that, I'm VERY happy how it taste and will continue to purchase from Morgan Ranch (Scott), because this Wagyu is truly the best meat I've cooked and tasted.

Hope all that makes sense. lol
springfield eh? My folks live outside of Jacksonville.

Just curious ..what is supposed to happen when someone says something irrelevant? Am I not ..or are we not supposed to say something in return? We had a guy posing as a cattle rancher that was sending crappy pm's i threw him under the bus. did any one of yall even bother to wonder why that happened? what word would you use to describe this? do you hug someone with open arms when they attempt to spit in your face?

what needs to happen when that happens? before yall come to conclusions perhaps a little more thought and consideration would be nice. Are we not men here? Have we degraded as a society to the point where its frowned upon to be honest? Just saying.

Heres what happens.. follow the forum rules. I'll put the relevant part of them here for all to see.

This is an outline of what you CAN’T do.
  • Advertise, hawk, pimp, sell or solicit anything. Period.
  • Solicit for donations or post fundraisers without approval from admin staff.
  • **Insult or Flame others..
  • Racism, slurs, prejudice, bigotry, vulgarity, or offensive language strictly forbidden
  • Post material that has a copy right or is privately owned without express permission from its author and/or owner
  • Post any type of porn or other illegal materials
  • Air dirty laundry. If u have an issue with another member or staff, take it private.
  • Use our email or PM to send spam
  • Use our e-mail or PM to promote other forums and blogs
  • Use our forum for sales pitches or solicitations.
    • user IDs and Avatars cannot be business names or logos without vendor/advertiser status.
  • Post the same topic in multiple forums
  • Cross post from or to other forums(copying text) without giving credit(or blame) as to the source location and author of the text
  • Having a signature or Avatar that does NOT follow the guidelines(See below for details.)
  • Hijack or post Off Topic in certain Forums. Qtalk, Competition and Discussion & Reflection” should be considered sacred ground.
Now some details.

  • Our members have an uncanny ability to hijack anything that moves, but they will always respect a post when needed. Lighthearted banter during an On topic post is the norm and allowed. If the banter derails the post, a moderator will scrub it and put it back on track. If posts go cold, they might get hijacked and taken Off Topic. Please understand this is part of our lighthearted nature. Moderators will also split or scrub posts if the original intent is being compromised and the post needs to stay for informational purposes (Roadmapped. Explained below). If a post is hijacked that you wish to keep on track, please PM a moderator. Cold or closed threads will also be scrubbed for simple housekeeping. Discussion and Reflection forum should be void of hijacks.
  • NO personal attacks. NO attacks of any kind. Recognizing that everyone has, and is entitled to an opinion, if your opinion comes across as antagonistic, bad karma, insulting or hurtful to another member, or person, keep it to yourself. Any meaningless post that is nothing more than a negative comment or is strictly there to antagonize, will be edited or deleted. Any post with no redeeming quality or deemed negative by moderators will be deleted. In other words, you are NOT allowed to be a jerk just to chit stir or piss people off. Understanding the fine line between friendly jabs or wise cracks, and obnoxious comments, use discretion. Moderators do not have time to be putting out flame wars.

So, we(mod team), will not allow this forum to "degrade as a society" to the extent where we do not enforce our own rules. Flaming, name calling, etc is forbidden. Thats pretty simple and straightforward. Members here do a good job of policing this forum and yours(and a few others)comments generated multiple reports. These reports go to ALL the moderators and we then have to leave whatever we are doing and scramble to deal with childish bullchit. THAT IS NOT APPRECIATED. The rules are there so WE do not have to come in and referee a pissing contest.

If someone types something you disagree with, civilly rebut it. If you cant, then leave the thread. Do not take it upon yourself to ignore our established rules because you think its ok and believe they deserve it. If you find you can not abide by this, or the topic is to hot or aggravating for you, it is highly suggested you do not return to this thread. (btw, I'd also point out the part about challenging the moderators)

That being said, another issue. We operate on fact and content. Unless we can PROVE something is untrue, its is assumed to be true. This thread has been reported consistently over the past few days as a hawking and/or sales pitch. The OP and a few others has stated that this is not the case and thats all we can go on. However, for the sake of peace, now that all sourcing and pricing and contact info has been discussed, re-rail this thread to a cook thread and a 'review' of the product. No more hawking and pushing the product or ranch itself. Enough detail has been presented for sourcing. Lets keep it as product review and the cooks.
I hope my post, including the first thread started, are within compliance. I could see how some may have thought if was done to push a product / company but I simply was given the go ahead to share it for the sake of the "Deal" on quality Wagyu for our members.

Anyway.. I'm sorry to ALL who took offense (on my part) of sharing this info, but I Hope that many will benefit (personally) from the great deal and quality product.
I hope my post, including the first thread started, are within compliance. I could see how some may have thought if was done to push a product / company but I simply was given the go ahead to share it for the sake of the "Deal" on quality Wagyu for our members.

Anyway.. I'm sorry to ALL who took offense (on my part) of sharing this info, but I Hope that many will benefit (personally) from the great deal and quality product.

Unfortunately i feel you were "steer"ed in a direction unknowingly. You are an active part of the community
Unfortunately i feel you were "steer"ed in a direction unknowingly. You are an active part of the community

Well, I actually contacted him for the info. I truly wanted the info because I've been wanting to try and cook some good quality meat. I'm glad I did though. He was very helpful and seemed to care about me getting some good meat to cook. I didn't / don't feel "Played". All good though.

And on my word, Scott didn't push me to do anything other than share with my "friends" and folks that wanted some quality Wagyu like I did. He didn't pressure me at all or seem to be "playing" me at all.

Anyway...Seems like the Mods and Admin are okay with it which Is good.

All good :)
I really like wagyu brisket. Rich flavour, moist and tender and very difficult to mess up. I haven't cooked an inedible one yet and that's saying something!