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I have no need for a grill this big either, but the guy only wanted $30 for it, so how could I not buy it.

THIRTY BUCKS?!?!?!?! Wow. I think that mite be one of the best scores I've heard of yet! Last month I got a 37.5 inch Whalen Kettle King off CL that had been used 5 times and It cleaned up like new. But I paid 300 dollars for mine. HIGH FIVE man.

I used mine a lot actually. It's great for indirect cooks like tri-tip, flat iron steaks, ribs etc. It's not a fuel hog either. Fire up one charcoal starter full of your favorite fuel and put it in there and monitor your temps and you'll see what I mean. Here's a pic of mine after I cleaned it up. And once again, congrats!

P.S. You can find very large fire pit covers online at a good price for protecting it.

The score of the year right there. Man, that's a lot of cooker for $30.