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Sorry, not so live right now but I got a little busy...

Thanks for all the previous comments!

Quick recap...

I struggled a little with low temps later in the cook. I think some of my wood needs a little more time to season. Also, I think I now know what some mean when they say their pit likes to run at a certain temp. This thing would prefer 300* over 250*, but I still need to work on it. Overall I think things went OK for my 1st cook on this pit. I can say this, It's more work than I am used to, but I really enjoyed it. I'll still use my Assassin for overnight cooks and when time is limited, but I'll be firing this pit up when I feel like hanging around the house and tending fire. Overall taste was very similar to my Assassin. Not a real heavy smoke, which I was worried about...

The butt went into the oven when I put the ribs on the pit. Let it ride there at 265*. Got tender at 204* around 4:00pm, so about 8hrs 40 min.

Here's the finished product...

After the rest...


Nice clean bone & a rough pull...


Finished product... Pulled with a little drippings and rub added...


Threw on some little Smithfield Extra Tender Spares. I was reminded, I really am not a big fan of these. While they are usually tender and moist, they are just too enhanced for my tastes... I did them for 2hrs on the pit, 1hr foiled and then another 45min - 1hr on the pit. Here are some pics...





Ribs back on after being wrapped. Sauced in the back. In the front are just basted with drippings and then hit with more rub...


Finished Ribs... A lil dark, but they were good


Nice clean bite...


Oh, and I figured being I had a fire going, I may as well throw on some chicken breasts. I make them for the week, and my wife and I use them for quick meals...


Chicken is almost done...


Had to do a little Mac n Cheese...


And lastly my plate...


Thanks for looking and being along for the ride!!!
Damn Fine First Run.! :thumb:

The firebox to cook chamber Hole is Big for the size pit. May want to experiment closing it off some OR run the Disposable pans in the factory tray and a lil more water. Actually making it less efficient BUT may allow lil Bigger splits and get 40-45 minutes.......
Just Have to experiment.........
Looks like a pretty successful maiden voyage in stick burnin' :thumb:

I find myself doing the same thing whenever I have the stick burner rolling..."well, it's free heat at this point, might as well throw x, y, and z on as well since it's in the fridge".
Damn Fine First Run.! :thumb:

The firebox to cook chamber Hole is Big for the size pit. May want to experiment closing it off some OR run the Disposable pans in the factory tray and a lil more water. Actually making it less efficient BUT may allow lil Bigger splits and get 40-45 minutes.......
Just Have to experiment.........

Thanks for all your input Smitty!!! (In this and my other thread...)

I was actually at WM today and wanted to get one of the extra deep 1/2 pans for water, but they didn't have any. That would block some of the hole.

I agree with you on the chamber hole size. It seemed like my fire was either too big, or going out at times. I think some of it had to do with the wood, because at times it held pretty good. I think some splits were a little more dry than others. I think I'm also going to try to warm the wood up a little, by putting it on top of the firebox before going in. (Assuming that's a good idea).

I'll keep at it and it should get better....
Thanks for all your input Smitty!!! (In this and my other thread...)

I was actually at WM today and wanted to get one of the extra deep 1/2 pans for water, but they didn't have any. That would block some of the hole.

I agree with you on the chamber hole size. It seemed like my fire was either too big, or going out at times. I think some of it had to do with the wood, because at times it held pretty good. I think some splits were a little more dry than others. I think I'm also going to try to warm the wood up a little, by putting it on top of the firebox before going in. (Assuming that's a good idea).

I'll keep at it and it should get better....

Most Guys Do.....I run direct firebox verticals so I can't do that- so no preheating splits for me.......
That pit looks even nicer when it’s running. Your struggles with temp control remind me of what my pit tends to do. I used to run mine like your first few pics show. Small splits on a small coal base.

It might run a bit easier if you supplement your coal base with some lump. Also getting expanded metal sheet with smaller holes might help you keep the lit embers from falling through too soon.

I will have to say though, lately Ive been unapologetically lazy and running mine essentially on lump charcoal, with the occasional split for smoke. Once the coals are humming along, my intake is nearly closed, and I can get a few hours between adding fuel. I bet your smoker would do well with lump as long as you can limit intake air enough. Might be worth giving it a shot for those lazy days. :)
Also getting expanded metal sheet with smaller holes might help you keep the lit embers from falling through too soon.

Thank you for the input!!!

I was thinking about this during the cook. To me it did seem like my coals/embers were falling through the grate quickly, and I assumed it may have been the cause of me losing heat/fire at a rapid pace at times...