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Full Fledged Farker
Mar 9, 2017
Western PA
Probably making a mistake here, with this being my 1st stick burner cook, and 1st cook on this pit, with a lot of other things to get done today, but what the heck...

Thanks to all who commented on my other thread after getting this pit. I cleaned her up, seasoned her, and decided to give a cook a go. When time permits, I'm going to either wire wheel the outside, or have it sand blasted, and hit it with some high heat paint. But for now, let's cook...

I decided to go as easy as possible with a Tyson Pork Butt, a little over 7lbs. Going to throw on some ribs later. I'll be using Cherry (got a free load from a friend of a neighbor) and a little Oak.

Got up just before 6AM, to start the fire. I did a 1/2 chimney of Kingsford Comp, and 4 little splits. Added 2 slightly larger splits once it got going a little. Temps peaked around 300, then settled to about 260 after about 40 minutes. I left the vents wide open to get the fire going.


Set up my Smoke under the grate. Ran the wire through the chimney. Not using the charcoal/water pan that came with the pit. Instead some foil pans with water in the little one nearest the heat.



Hit the Pork Butt with a little kosher salt, and my rub...



Not the "best" set up, but will do for now. I thought about trying to hack off the sear burner portion of the pit, but this work space will come in handy...


Butt is on (about 7:20am)…


We're smoke'n…


About 1:30 in, and I'm learning on the job... Temps have ranged from 245 - 315. Pit seems to run best with the vent wide open. Maybe I need a bigger coal base, not sure. But when I close the vents to even 50%, I tend to lose my fire. I've been stoking the fire or adding splits roughly every 30 minutes. Added 2 splits once, and that resulted in the higher temps. It's not a big pit, so if the fire gets a little too big, the temps really climb. My goal is to get it running between 245 - 275 with the proper set up of wood/air. I'll get it figured out...

More to come...
4 Hours in, and the butt is at 139. Gonna give it another hour, check the temp, and see if it's ready to wrap...

Temps are doing good, but 30 minutes goes by really fast...

5 Hours in and the butt is at 152. Time to wrap and return to the pit. I'm gonna leave it on the pit until it's time for the ribs to go on, then transfer to the oven so I can monitor the temp with a probe...


She's running perfectly. :thumb:
Maybe use bigger splits so you don't have to add so often. Temp will swing bigger but there's no problem with that.

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She's running perfectly. :thumb:
Maybe use bigger splits so you don't have to add so often. Temp will swing bigger but there's no problem with that.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

I was going to suggest bigger splits, figured his wood is already split for this cook. It will be good to get the next purchase split larger though. Less babysitting.