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Cool! I made the cut via the back door. :-D What kind of cook would you suggest? Quick one (steak, burgers, tri tip) or a long one (brisket, short ribs, chuck roast)? Also, would you suggest a light coat or a heavier coat? Sorry for all the questions, just want to make the most of the sample.

My favorite cooks with this one have been longer cooks, but it does well on shorter cooks like burgers ot tri tip as well.
I don't know that there is enough product in the trial package to do a whole brisket, but a chuck roast would probably work (or part of a brisket ;) )

72 names and no one has even seen the salt yet!
Y'all are maniacs ( I mean that in a good way) :loco:

If there was a prize for the most suggestions so far (and there is not)
SmittyJonz would win.

Here is the list so far.

1. all good
2. AllSalt
3. AltSalt
4. ambrosia
5. beef blaster
6. beef dust
7. beef magic
8. Beef Sprinkles
9. beefalicious
10. Beeforiffic Salt
11. beefy goodness
12. Best Damn Salt
13. Bob's Seasoned Salt
14. Bovine Blast
15. Bovine Brine
16. Can't Resist Dis Rub
17. Corinthean Sea Salt
18. cow and chicken
19. cow sea salt
20. Cow Sprinkles
21. Divine Bovine
22. Fairy Dust
23. Fight Da Bland
24. Fruitless Wonder
25. Hella Good Salt
26. It's Like 10 But LOUDER
27. Lot's Wife Sea Salt
28. magic salt
29. Manatee salt
30. Meat Dirt
31. Mother Nature's Salt Plus
32. Naturally Moooooore Flavor BBQ (Beef?) Salt
33. Naturiffic Gourmet Everyday Seasoned Salt
34. Naturiffic Moo Meat Mix
35. Naturiffic Steak Searing Salt
36. Naturiffic's Salt N' Peppered
37. NaturiSalis
38. OptiSalis
39. Orgasmic Salt
40. ove Potion # 9
41. perfect protein dust
42. PETA Salt
43. Pixie Dust
44. pixie sprinkles
45. protein dust
46. protein magic
47. protein perfection
48. SalisOpti
49. SaltAll
50. Salty dog
51. Salty McSaltface
52. salzbury magic
53. sea cow salt
54. sea salt for beef
55. Seasoned salt
56. Sexy Salt
57. Sir Pork a Lot Salacious Steak Salt
58. Sir Rub-a-Lot
59. Sir Salt
60. Smart Salt
61. SS United states
62. Sultry Salt
63. The Chit
64. The Stuff
65. Twisted Salt
66. Via Salaria
67. Woke Dust
68. Wonder Salt
69. XP1
70. X-Salt
71. XXXSaltXXX
72. Zombie Dust

I am moving the rest of this to a new thread in the Naturiffic Forum in Brethren Ventures.

Once the participants receive and use their salt, I am hoping to get more names, hopefully ones that are inspired by the products and are commercially viable. (ie. not in use already and not overtly sexual, racist or just plain lame. :becky: )

You can find the new thread (where we will be voting on names) here


Well, it is salt, after all...

The garbage dump or Sanitary landfill? sounds better, right?

Big Mac vs hamburger. The marketing department did good on this one.

Would you like your Ferrari in "Mach 1 red" or "normal red"

We already KNOW that it's salt. Tell me something that makes it different than salt. "Mr. McSalty Salter Salt" will turn away 99% of people from even reading the label beyond the name. There's a reason the Big Mac is what it's marketed as. Imagine calling it the "McFat burger"!
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The garbage dump or Sanitary landfill? sounds better, right?

Big Mac vs hamburger. The marketing department did good on this one.

Would you like your Ferrari in "Mach 1 red" or "normal red"

We already KNOW that it's salt. Tell me something that makes it different than salt. "Mr. McSalty Salter Salt" will turn away 99% of people from even reading the label beyond the name. There's a reason the Big Mac is what it's marketed as. Imagine calling it the "McFatty burger"!

There is marketing and then there is reality. Unfortunately these two rarely cross paths.

Salt is not evil, in fact the human body requires it (sodium).

The key is what kind of salt and how much is appropriate.

At our house we have almost eliminated all processed foods (and a crap ton of processed salt that goes with it)
When you start eating clean foods (non-processed), you end up finding a need to add a little salt here and there.

We make a seasoned salt that is 50-70% coarse natural salt, with the rest being herbs and spices.
What we have found, is that we end up using less salt!

When we add a pinch of Naturiffic salt to our meals, we are adding 30-50% less salt than a pinch of pure coarse salt. When we compare that to shaking fine table salt out of the salt shaker, we find we are using 70-80% less salt!

All out of current products are labeled a Gourmet Salt, but with the exception of our Hot Salt (Hot Salt is closer to 90% salt), salt is not in the actual name.
I.e: Garlicky Lemon, Peppery Lime & Gingery Orange.

This is not to suggest it is not salt, but to be very descriptive about the product, so what the consumer tastes, is what the name suggested they would taste.
I got a Couple Strip Steaks waiting on some Sexy Salt aka Sultry Salt aka Cow Sprinkles Wonder Salt.......Krogers had them $4.99/lb.....
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Sometimes simple is better. I like "Gourmet Grilling Season Salt" or "Finest Grilling Season Salt."

Then for a little flare there is cattlecure season salt, smoke and fire season salt, or angry angus season salt. :thumb:
Just seen this so I could be too late.

I would sure give it a try and provide feedback. Of course give a shot at a name it inspires.

You may still have my address.

Thanks John.