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Columbia, Mo. looks to be a good fit. Something needs to be finalized soon because comps are starting up in March around here. Maybe we should put this off til after the Royal and work it into our fall bash.
Ron L and BusterDog are now on the map. I agree that we have to keep it accessible and we have to declare a date very soon. I have only heard from one person of bad weekends, and the rest of you saying your in IF the date works. Help pick the date!!!! With comps kicking in very shortly down in KC area, you guys start declaring please. Lets start with open weekends. SOUND OFF please...
OK... Here is what I think we have commited so far..

Weekend of...
May 2
May 24
May 30
June 6
June 20
July 11
July 25
August 1
August 8
August 22
September 5
September 12
September 19
September 26
October 10
October 17

Some of those are tentative, but that's wha it looks like for now.
Thanks Ron, I think were really gonna have to get this done before 5/1 or after 10/10... you look clear up until then right?

Or maybe not, dont let me self impose a date on this... that was just my general thought right or wrong... I have your no go dates on the spreadsheet Ron....
I am sure there is room for two bashes.... Bride of Roo Midwest Bash and the Billys Barn Burnin Bash Extravaganza lololol Remember Billy da Barn naught da house




Depending on date and location, I'd be interested in joining/forming a team. I can't speak for my brother but I'm going to guess he's out because we already over his comp allowence limit for the year - we're gonna keep that on the down low and see how it pans out. His wife wouldn't cancel out on the Royal, she had fun down there.
Thanks Ron, I think were really gonna have to get this done before 5/1 or after 10/10... you look clear up until then right?

Or maybe not, dont let me self impose a date on this... that was just my general thought right or wrong... I have your no go dates on the spreadsheet Ron....

So far April is open.
Lets relabel the bash names Ash.....this is Bigabytes idea not mine :)
I think Char has stepped up enough though for it to be named for her. All I did was suggest the idea, she's doing all the work!:redface::cool::biggrin:

Wow am I surprised to see how much this thread has grown! I was offline all weekend with a dead computer. Just got back on and seeing we have possibly 2 bashes going on now! Fantastic!:biggrin: