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Personally I'd be worried about putting that kind of load on the KA mixer. Depending on the year and model KAs have known to burn out or have gears strip. I also usually chill my meat so that it's almost partially frozen to prevent smear.

I suppose 10 lbs here and there isn't much, but if you're going to be doing any larger quantities save your mixer and get a dedicated grinder. I have a 3/4 horse #12 LEM grinder and a vertical 5lb sausage stuffer. I use my KA with paddle attachment to mix/bind.

Happy stuffin' :)
If your going to get the kitchen aid grinder I would buy this used one and get the pasta discs, if you have an interest in homemade pasta.

Looking at the parts, it appears to be a pasta extruder, forcing the dough through different shaped disks. While I do see two metal plates and a rotary knife to go with them for grinding.

Extruded pasta is heavier and much more dense than rolled and cut, but it would still be much better than the box brands.
For our anniversary, my wife took me to a sausage making class. The instructor addressed the KA stuffers by saying that it is possible to use, but will be very time consuming and will test your patience. We used LEM vertical 5# hand crank stuffers in class.
If you already own the Kitchen Aid and want to dabble a bit before really investing money into a higher production unit then go with the KA, "but" spend some $$$ on a decent stuffer that you can get great production with as well as trouble free stuffing like one of these (Northern Tool for around $100). Using a grinder to stuff with is frustrating as it has a hard time moving the product into the casing with consistent flow and/or pressure. It will also turn your ground meats into mush as it try's to auger it into the casing. The end product is awesome both visibly and deliciously and it is easy if you stack the cards with some decent equipment. Have fun and good luck!


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I promised the little lady that if I ever smoked the KA then I would replace it and buy a new one and grinder. Hasn't happened yet. Have smelled burning plastic but that was the time I let the chopped meat get too frozen and on some large bread dough.
I often use it to make burger, 5-8lbs at a time.

Second those who have a vertical stuffer, mine's a Grizzly, work sgreat.
I use the KA for my only grinder at this time and as others have said it works well for small batches. For a stuffer, I made a water stuffer out of 4" pipe and it works perfectly.
I have one and it has been fine. The only problem I found is that if you don't trim the meat pretty carefully it can get bogged down if there is a lot of connective tissue. I like to use chuck and I do trim it well.